
I hear these guys work well as comment mods as well. No one ever expects them.

Is the white iPhone made from ivory? What could possibly make it harder to make than the black one?

Can I extract orphan souls and save chickens instead? Is this a sandbox game?

@RockyRan: I'm also unable to resist free LBP DLC. I haven't really played the game in months but I'll be damned if I miss a free costume for the game.

@SupaKero: And don't forget the New Orleans Jazz are now the Utah Jazz.

Give it two years and the Thunder could be a really decent team. Focus all that young player energy and they could be unstoppable.

Well, hell, I can't turn down free stuff.

A super bloody Dynasty Warriors? Yes, please. I'll take two.

A hipster snorting coke with a rolled up iPhone would be the ultimate meta win.

I haven't played a Castlevania since the SNES version, but this might end that drought. This looks awesome.

Cart racing? So, I can race Toad against a Ferrari?

Awesome. Now do Zelda, please.

Sooooo close to being done with Red Dead Redemption. After I beat it, then it's on to multiplayer it up for the rest of the weekend.

@Curves: You mean, you don't have a zombie apocalypse survival plan?

A few friends have met Method Man clubbing around LA and say he's the nicest guy ever.

I always wondered how acceleration and braking would work with Kinetic. Now I know: It doesn't.

That looks awesomely fun. I'm in. No release date yet?

I recently asked my 17 year old sister if she remembered ever using a dial-up modem.

"This type of welding doesn't melt the metal or apply any heat to it."