
I can't wait to see the monocled, vested and likely gentlemanly "IM chaps" in the game.

Further proof that white kids are no god damn good.

Wow, you read my mind McWhertor. The girlfriend and I just threw some beef hot dogs on the grill and devoured them with chopped onions, ketchup, mustard and Famous Dave's BBQ sauce. Not quite as good as Pink's because we didn't have any bacon but still fantastic.

If I use the arrow keys, I can make a kick ass little animation out of pic 20 - 25. It's almost like seeing the real thing!

Tell'em to pull a Phil Collins and sit that singer down on the drum set with a mic stand.

@Sliferjam: I love love loved the Legend of Kyrandia games! I remember my 9-year old brain being amazed by the "stunning" "3-D" graphics. Thanks for reminding me of middle school PC gaming.

Finally, something better than Little Big Planet or Buzz to play with a group. This sounds completely awesome.

@madog: Um, no. He did actually sell 14 copies at $299, if you read the article, and even sold one at $400. This has nothing to do with blaming Apple for anything except for not giving anyone any idea how or why apps get removed.

Those little kid MMOs are huge. I had no idea they even existed until I heard about them from a younger cousin. Wizard 101, Toontown and NeoPets are serious business.

60gb PS3 phat and no problems at all. Got past that part without issue.

Beautiful game but very different in terms of Final Fantasy games. I feel like I'm one of the few that absolutely loves the Paradigm system.

Anyone know of a side-by-side video comparison of the PS3 version vs. the 360 version? It can't be that much different, can it?

Final Fantasy XIII and maybe some Borderlands if I get tired of setting up Paradigms.

@TJH518: Beatles Rock Band.

@leno40: The first that goes through my head is a bad-ass gay dude with a sawed-off shotgun whistling "The Farmer in the Dell".

@TheNthDegree: Zombie Island is a great way to level up a bit before tackling General Knoxx. I was up to 53 by the time I finished it.