
Clickbaity title? Oh boy that’s not good! Let us examine...

Congratulations, you just helped Dan Quayle complete his crossword puzzle.

Senior Week never really ended.

Is this a leftover post from Senior Week?

As someone who was at home during a home invasion, tied up, stuffed in my closet and threatened to be killed if the pin # for my debit card didn’t work, this is one of the few times I can sympathize with what a Kardasian is going through. Whatever your view on Kim and her family and how they do business, no one

Ken Bone, the undisputed winner of last night’s debate

If he didn’t want to be tackled by her, he shouldn’t have been dressed like that

I haven’t seen a female knock the hell out of someone like that since... well since last night at the debate I guess

This too:

And beautifully said!

Can it be 6 pm now?

I just posted this on another article, but I’m gonna repeat it.

OMG. That is the American South :)


If he does I want him to be Grand Marshal of the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Same. I thought, “Oh, you’re using rape to establish characterization. How groundbreaking.”

See, because the source material doesn’t include rape (unlike GoT), I thought having two rapes in the first 20 minutes was just too damn much for me. Even if you don’t show it on screen, it just felt like “okay, so if this is what happen in the first 20 minutes, I guess I know what’s central to the show.” The bandits