Might want to do another spin through this one - few typos (one of which affects meaning of the sentence):
Might want to do another spin through this one - few typos (one of which affects meaning of the sentence):
This has been an ongoing issues for years, and it’s really disappointing that Disney has not done more to protect the cast members who play characters. I had a good friend who was playing Pooh at Disneyland and she was jumped by a group of boys who surrounded her and kept kicking her when she was on the ground. (She’s…
Have you ever tried Robin McKinley? Sunshine is wonderful and I think has a Neil Gaiman-esque vibe.
Universal Basic Income! He has some other stuff in his platform, but that’s the big one. He’s a tech start-up guy who’s getting a lot of love on Reddit. If you see #yanggang trending anywhere, that’s his people.
I love Ersties. It’s made by women and there are no scripts. Very intimate and sexy. https://en.ersties.com/tourpage
No snark here, just wanted to send some internet hugs and let you know that there still are a bunch of us in the greys who love Jez and all you do here. The crazies just happen to be louder than us.
I am sending you huge internet hugs right now. You just helped my blood pressure return to something that is less deadly.
Normally my response to some inane Trump quote like this would be “no words.” But I have words, lots of them. I could quote the stats, talking about how much more likely women are to die of gun violence. I could talk about Gabby Giffords, or tell the story of my friend from college who was shot dead in her apartment…
Oooh good one. Jumping on the bandwagon.
Totally unrelated to your excellent point but it had to be said: Your username & icon makes me all sorts of happy.
I got to see the exhibit last month when I was in Scotland, and it’s an absolute delight. For me the most interesting part (other than her off-the-hook hat collection) was the careful politics involved in the creation of so many of her dresses, especially those used for meeting dignitaries of other countries.
I hate to be that person, but I really wish you would have buried that spoiler and not shown it on the homepage feed. I just discovered the show on Netflix and haven’t caught up to this season yet.
Samsung Gear VR, my bad.
It’s one of the new Sony Gear VR headsets (I’ve got one, and it’s awesome)
This is really good - thank you for posting something with some hope in it.
Is there a TL;DR version for those of us not in the know?