Roxane Gay said it really well on Twitter today: You are entitled to be curious. You are not entitled to the satisfaction of your curiosity.
Roxane Gay said it really well on Twitter today: You are entitled to be curious. You are not entitled to the satisfaction of your curiosity.
I agree. The entire article seems a lot less interested in literature than in revealing Ferrante’s Jewish background (while suggesting there’s something wrong with her “passing” as a normal Italian woman). Of course, “exposing” Jews in the media is a favorite pastime of antisemites to this day.
I can’t speak to the non-Neapolitan novels as I haven’t read them yet (although I’d be shocked if they’re bad), but the Neapolitan novels are excellent. Don’t let the terrible Europa covers (almost as much of an insult to her as this doxxing if you ask me) dissuade you.
Same here. As someone with 2 brothers I gotta say, keep that to yourself, no one wants to hear that, especially your sister.
I really hate this idea that supporting an individual’s work entitles you to access into their identity and private lives, or that being successful means that a person owes the world at large information about themselves.
There’s a distinction between wanting your art to receive attention/appreciation and yourself to receive attention/appreciation. It’s cruel to insist that every person who wants their expression to be heard must also open up themselves, even against their own wishes. It’s not necessary.
No. Artists create art for people to enjoy. Beyond that they don’t owe people shit.
That’s why Trump is going to win this election.
Uhh. No. Marla didn’t “get her ass knocked up.” Trump knocked her up. Women don’t “get themselves pregnant.” Some tool who refused to wear a condom did.
“I had the blessing of raising her pretty much on my own,” Ms. Maples said.
Well, for one, Kate Brown is bisexual, and bisexual women experience higher rates of abuse than any other group except trans women of color. That said, what Bud Pierce said is not only completely false, it is a harmful and common attitude that increases stigma against abuse survivors. Abuse and Trauma survivors are…
Does that mean in two years when I’m being handed my phd, my memories of being assaulted by men will be magically replaced with new memories in which I pet kittens with philosophers? Because that would sure make nighttime public transit less of an anxiety crap shoot.
I just... Abuse is beyond any socioeconomic/racial boundaries. It occurs at all levels, and a woman’s reasoning for staying varies from wanting to keep the family in tact to financial concerns to shit we cannot even imagine, because we are not HER.
This is what I am reminded of every time this happens. This is it right here. My right to own a gun is more important than the lives of your children.
People who shit all over teachers should keep educators like Meghan Hollingsworth in mind. Being shot in the shoulder is fucking serious and that she kept herself together to try to help the boy is *nothing* like what she was trained to do. It’s just the common personality trait of people who want to teach in today’s…
Early polls since the debate seem to reflect that fact, but my faith in this country has really been shaken at this point. That it’s even gotten this close in the first place horrifies me, so I won’t be optimistic until November 9th rolls around and we’re getting preparations underway to swear in President Clinton…
Don’t vote for Gary Johnson either. He may be smarter than Trump but not by a whole lot.
Translation: I don’t give a shit about this country so I will sit on my ass and stay home instead, but I will tell everybody I can’t vote for evil so I sound like a concerned citizen.