
Id rather this than the yachts to be honest. Every Grand Prix has their own influence and flavor. Why poorly imitate Monaco when the US can embrace the stereotype and flood the lake with gators and fan boats?!

It makes sense they gave it no access to open water.

One man is already prepared

Now playing

Hey, at least Cannonball 2 gave the West, it’s first introduction to Jackie Chan! (He had a cameo in the first one, but actually got a real full-on role in the 2nd one.)

As a “car movie” it sucks if you want it to be a Very Serious Affair, but if you drop that pretense and accept it for the camp that it is, it rules. 

What...what did I even just watch right there? I’m definitely watching that train wreck tonight!

As the cohost of Reels & Wheels Podcast, I could probably fill this whole list for you, but I’ll stick to my top three worst car movies that I was forced to endure thanks to my co-host (Love ya, James. Really.):

I used to try arguing that on Porsche forums until one “purist” told me he’d rather see Porsche go belly up than produce anything not a 911. What do you even say to that? I just backed out of the conversation at that point.

A CSW—chunky station wagon—from another car manufacturer. Like predicting the Sun will rise in the East tomorrow.

I’m still a jalop enough to look to look at them and listen to them run and the like, but I have to be realistic. No woman, even my wife would be impressed with me rolling up in a Ferrari or the like and getting out of it.

This is what we all need to remember. Ferrari will have a wild sales success with this new SUV and it will help with keeping the rest of the product line churning out exciting (and mostly unobtainable) super/hyper cars for us to drool over. I was initially opposed to the Cayenne on purity grounds but that was a

What’s with the purity tests?

How quaint. Come back when you have actually something interesting.

There’s also a fantastic collection in the corrupt Mayor’s garage - I remember a Pagani, a Morgan, a Ferrari, and an Aston Martin in that scene. Stellar car casting!

Take inspiration from the Music City Grand Prix, except do it one the highways in Houston- specifically I45 as it goes through downtown. All those humps would have the cars in a perpetual state of

Right? It’s an absolute joke that the Miami parking lot race gets to be FIA Grade 1 but Watkins Glen isn’t anymore. Damn Bureaucrats.

I’d much rather have Indy and The Glenn on the schedule than the Miami Dolphins parking lot and Vegas.

Room for at least a few dozen Ukrainian refugees on board, surely?