
what, exactly are their demands?

do they demand not to be thought of as small penised bigoted fucktards?  well then, how about stop acting like bigoted fucktards with small penises...

Uh oh. I’m a threefer.

I know a guy who can identify antifa everywhere, guy with a big beard, somebody with a rainbow scarf, foreign car owner

“Six antifa vehicles! Six antifa vehicles,” a trucker said over the CB radio. “Keep your heads on a swivel!” another trucker yelled.

I’m really not a Musk fan, and I get that this article is more of a takedown on inequality, globalism and/or late stage capitalism but Polytopia is pretty special.

Musk is, and it’s definitely a reference to that.

I wonder if Grimes is an Iain M. Banks fan

If you wanna hate musk like go for it but the “video game culture” veil is thin on this one. Especially when you admit to only playing one game...

“This whole “your father in-law” order one, or boomers being the main customers, isn’t really the case as much now....”

Jalopnik has been pushing this tired narative for years now. Surprised they didn’t mention New Balance shoes, jorts or gold chains.

But Porsche/BMW/Mercedes? Sign me up!

C8s are still pretty damn rare and expensive - quite a bit more than “generic” BMWs and Porsches. That “$64k C8" that GM was pushing ended up being more of a myth than the $35k Model 3.”  Realistically, you’re going to be paying close to $90k for a used C8.

They look like magicians

When the freedom to wear anything you want results in looking like you’re rushing home to at least 12 cats.

...you are harassing and threatening the lives of the very American people you claim to hold so dear.

Remember how much chest pounding right winger freaks did when BLM protesters blocked some freeways, mostly at night? Remember all the losers saying they would just run over protestors, or “i support their right to protest but they CANT block the roads”?

My favorite DC protest. Someone organized a protest against the 55 mph speed limit. They had a moving road block of cars going exactly 55 mph around the beltway during rush hour. Paralyzed the city. Complete chaos.

Like by me, in Colorado, i think they got rid of most mask requirements. I have no idea what these clowns are out there fighting for? I guess in many ways its good to not give them any attention. There is a real war on, so how redneck truckers feel is far from my concern.

Sooo... no?

ANY vintage care would look great inside this. Not just a Porsche. My only modification would be to knock the Porsche logo off the side and drive it to all of the vintage races around the country.