
Yes please :D

"The Navy blames the sailors for clogging the system on the $6.2billion boat with feminine hygiene products and clothing."

Just look at the Oregon plate compared to the NY plate. The NY plate is retro done wrong. It's hideous, due to the blue arch on top.

The land above the waterline on Liberty Island belongs to NY. The same applies to the non-landfill reclaimed area of Ellis Island. All other land and underwater terrain belongs to New Jersey.

The Green Machine. Conveyance of ankle-biting hoons.

"The treatment had no effect on lifespan, but that may be due to the type of genetically engineered mouse used." From the BBC article.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. You could look at a eastern martial arts kata and say the same thing. I'm supposing the sword dance is their specific form of kata, showing blade control while moving.

Pertinent to your interests?

Or as some people describe them, "Octopus balls." Of course, it makes a connection in most people's minds and either gets a chuckle or an "eww." Very tasty though!

They do not make a longboard-sized bag :(

I call shenanigans on your shenanigans. Jethro5.0 set that display to metric. 100 kPa is just about one atmosphere, or 14.7 psi of boost.

Now if I was a smart insurgent, I'd lob an RPG at the top of that thing, or put a few rounds in its sensor pods. Those don't look particularly well armored, and will stop your robot minion in its tracks. At least until you could source another sensor pod to get it moving again.

"Considering that smartphones have all but made the standalone GPS navigation device obsolete..."

Subaru tends to have good visibility out the windows. Big greenhouse windows that bake the car in the summer.

TL;DR all of the comments, but I agree with Ash. Without being a helicopter pilot myself, what Freddie did with the controls should not have produced the crash. The cyclic (the stick) changes the thrust vector direction of the main rotor, and the collective changes the total amount of lift the blades produce.

The Street View camera looks like it is covered and not in use, right?

Yeah, that noise made my ears twitch as well... the "ding" and "whee" definitely didn't sound natural.

This is a stock 1993 Impreza. Or is it a Corolla? or a Sentra?

It must be April 1st somewhere in the world...