The first godzilla is bleak reminder of the horror of atomic bomb.
The first godzilla is bleak reminder of the horror of atomic bomb.
Exactly. This needs to be priced like a Telluride.
this vehicle should only Cost $30k at most
I wonder if the soft demand for this vehicle (especially when compared to a Telluride) is because of the poor state of the charging infrastructure, so far, in the US. This is ostensibly a ‘family vehicle’ and deservedly marketed as such. Since a lot of people buy these to have the capability (whether actually used or…
Very odd film. Great, but odd. Basically a post-war Japanese melodrama about the struggles of a young man returning from war, and the wider traumas endured by families and society as a whole. As well as commentary on the Marshall Plan, and the impact of the Cold war on Japan’s reconstruction.
Either a very bad Kamikaze pilot like the joke about (insert target nationality) Kamikaze who safely returned from 7 missions, or the war ended before his first mission.
No one under 50 knows what a Cressida is.
With two cops per squad car, that’s two personal vehicles in many cases. Anyway, it’s not a reasonable comparison, since the city needs to have enough spaces available to store not-in-use city vehicles. Police officers have no more right to illegally park their personal commuting vehicles than anybody else. If I…
The big problem is cops illegally parking their personal vehicles, or filling up available precinct lots so that city vehicles end up illegally parked.
I had this thought earlier this week, I recently moved to harlem, walking by the 26th precinct its littered with dead cars, and officers personal vehicles... much much wasted space hard to walk around it all. Plus its a blight on the neighborhood.
From the press release, the Lynx 120 is more accurately a light tank. Similar to the US Sheridan light tank back in the 60s/70s, the idea was to have a lighter, more mobile tank with a main weapon big enough to defeat a main battle tank. The compromise is that it’s much less protected. I assume the Lynx 120 doesn’t…
Looks like Ron wont find this...simple and clean...
In all seriousness, the youtuber “Beau of the fifth column” did a good vid on it, the schadenfreude was mixed with the salient facts. especially funny was how disney’s lawyers just did it right out in the open, and nobody noticed.
Exactly this. Disney assiduously followed Florida’s Sunshine laws and they publicized the meeting where the document was voted on and approved well in advance in the paper of record.
Trump can at least work a crowd and put on a show. It’s his singular talent.
Everything was done in the open with not a single bit of cloaked operation. They just didn’t pay attention. Fully on them for not opposing this when they had a chance.
So you’re saying he’s at least as appealing and charismatic as former president Donald Trump?
My favorite part about this is still that DeSantis and his cronies are crying about how this was done a state famous for its transparency laws. All of which were followed in this legal maneuver.
Michelle Obama and George Bush didn’t strip the U.S. of Roe v Wade or hundreds of thousands of live due to covid, or anything else that’s the direct result of that orange fuckwit. So yes, that’s my mentality. And go fuck yourself.