
One handed emergency maneuvers.

When you absolutely, positively got to kill every zombie in the room, accept no substitutes.

Grim Reaper on wheels? How many people has she killed? None. STFU

As it says in the article, there are a few areas outside the exclusion zone, where, due to wind patterns, rainfall, etc., substantially higher levels of radiation are found compared to other areas at the same distance away from Fukushima. I feel this is wiser than evacuating an arbitrarily chosen distance away from

The AT&T Bieber, you mean? That's a genius idea there... move into the tween demographic and sell lots of phones!

I don't care if you're in the office, at the library, at a restaurant, or in a coffee shop. If you're talking at a volume that overly intrudes on other people's personal space, you should notice this and turn the dial down. Coffee shops are places were people can have all sorts of conversations, as long as it blends

*presses mute*

To be honest, that's a pretty pathetic 'Do Not Enter' sign. And only one of them. Nor do I see any "No Left Turn" or other prominent markings to dissuade drivers.


They've rammed a Smart into a barrier at 70 mph to show that you won't turn into a fine red mist in an accident. I'm not sure I want to be in the Chinese copy now that I've seen a forklift have its way with that little POS.

I thought it was a video of some blue-haired lady driving her Buick around a Publix supermarket. You know, the one that wanders aimlessly, accelerates and stops without warning, and drives in circles because she forgot where she was ten seconds ago.

I just smack the 'auto' button whenever it lights up and adjust it manually. I haven't done the mod, and not sure how/where to source the fan units since the post is 5 years old. If you want to tinker, that Peaty guy has a record of all the cool things he did to his Subaru :) Changing things from Forester to Impreza,

Do you have an automatic temperature climate control unit? My '04 Forester has one. Supposedly the fix is to hack the sampling vent with a little fan and get the air flowing. Otherwise it oscillates wildly since the car never knows what the air temp is at that moment.

Warning: Anyone with overstimulation lasting more than 4 hours needs medical assistance immediately, because of the risk of brain damage which could cause permanent loss of coherence.

Other news sources, "Motorcyclist crushes bike between two cars"

Someone needs to liberate a front loader and take care of the trashy rich.

Hope he has extra CB antennas.

Yum! Puppy veal! Tender and melts in your mouth!

There's a problem. I see no beer loaded on that truck. At all. Until beer gets delivered, it's all show and no go.

Turkey makes more cars than Italy. 2 out of 3 new NYC taxi designs were to be produced in Turkey.