
Has the Intrepid taken better care of their aircraft after the renovation? Last time I was there, a major disappointment was the poor condition of the planes on the flight deck.

Yum, I had to eat rat poison for a few years until my heart got reprogrammed.

At Albany, the only way you get serious amounts of stupidity and alcohol is with fraternities. And the off campus frat houses are in the student ghetto.

Perhaps you stopped binge drinking? That usually makes the beer goggles go away.

The listing for that PS2 thing says 'Used'. O.o

hey, it's a small hand-held massager. Just like it says on the box.

I wonder how it would sound using these engines...

I was planning to put in an EJ25 comment. The EJ25D and EJ251 engines would have head gasket failures within 100k miles. My Subaru left me on the side of the road between Albany and Binghamton right before Christmas.

Hey look! It's a Mormon Assault Vehicle!

This reminds me of the news stories I see about motorcyclists and bicyclists involved in accidents. Way too often you see the headline "Motorcyclists strikes car, one killed" Wording it like this makes it seem like the rider is the primary cause of the accident, even if it is obvious that the driver failed.

"They have no right to prevent motorists from driving their cars on the roads THEY PAYED to build and maintain, cyclists don't pay the road taxes. "

Seriously? How does 38 mph happen? Stops: Cleveland, Akron, maybe Mansfield, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinatti. You're not building another Amtrak snail-train guys...

There's a lolcat for every occasion.

Steve McQueen looks absolutely creepy without eyes. All you need is a tiny bit of paint, not much, since he was mostly squinting during the chase. Please do that.

People are different though. In most cases, having a passenger in the car is less dangerous than talking on a cell phone. Unfortunately for me, talking to a passenger in the car takes more of my attention because that person is more... present you could say. I tend to either not make a call, or tune out the person on

I believe the point is that Ford didn't take the bankruptcy path. GM and Chrysler couldn't manage their debts and went bankrupt, therefore not committing to their past contractual obligations. Ford still suffers with its previous debts, and is striving to make them good. Ford did what they could to stay afloat, and

They had to do a lap of Manhattan to get the bridge into position... pretty cool! I was wondering why they didn't turn left when Manhattan came into view as I was watching.