Dr. Spaceman, Esq.

He was on Conan last week?! The hell?

@Kim_Jong_Illin: Yes, progressive taxation is discrimination. If Dr. King were alive today, blah, blah, NRO-blah ....

Oh yeah, what about this guy!

How did this guy live to 73?

@ShakeTiller: Plus he played in the amphetamine era.

@Max Power: Said f150 has a dirt bike in the bed; blasts Staind and Pennywise.

Since when do guys named Vinny settle the score by posting an long rant on the internet?

Someone's head hit that windshield.

Dan Cortez looks awful.

That thing in the Balkans killed the McPeace theory.

Moe rules

No WII? Fail.

Best band name ever: REO Speeddealer.

Footed PJs

You know, if he had made the backflip and landed on his feet; that would have been awesome.

All of the Spurs players since 1999.

I miss the Smorgasbord.

I need to get a rodeo jersey.

And they say baseball is boring?