Trey Wingo's a real person? I did not know that.
Trey Wingo's a real person? I did not know that.
@damnElantra: Be profitable?
@Daga: Lol, yeah. But you could do a lot worse.
@Hookey: The stats are amazing, but it is a truly awful, pointless, pointless car.
@Thirty-Nine: Yeah, they really got everything they could out of that shitty little ramp. 12 thumbs up!
No engine, no care.
I still like G-wagen's, I just wish I could afford one.
I liked when the bike cop humped the Skyline.
@Gromit: Yeah, but driving a car at 9/10 is a lot easier than driving a bike at 9/10. You have to overcome the fear of always present death on a bike.
Toyota Hilux
It's a fantasy, but not my fantasy. Sorry.
Looks like a dick with hydrofoils.
@Dr.Danger: That is surprisingly hot.
US Border Patrol uses heartbeat detectors at the border stations.
@iamjames: Oh for christ's sake, just leave.
That site sucks anyway.
As a Nissan HICAS owner, I say "no thanks."
@Triborough: I once saw Kurt Rambis get into a white Dodge Minivan after a Suns game. It had one of those limo boomerang-ariels on the roof. Balla.
The 929 had these in the moonroof. Would recharge the battery and run a fan sucking hot air out of the car when parked in the sun.
That test must have been a fun 12 hour drive.