Strangely, no one is freaking out in the streets here in San Diego? I'd expect at least some honking cars and "wooo-hooo"ing.
Strangely, no one is freaking out in the streets here in San Diego? I'd expect at least some honking cars and "wooo-hooo"ing.
Nice tightrope act there, Gonzalez.
@metroville: So he works at Fashionable Male?
Apropos of nothing, I'd like to mention the Floating City of New Chicago.
I love the name "Duster." Bad names include "Probe" and "Vibe."
I guess someone could use it to tow a racecar?
Those pictures look like they came from a comic book. I mean, I know that that's a real, 3d car, but my eyes don't believe it. Slightly offputting effect going on there.
@Pixel: What do you think about the xD?
Nice, um, easter veil, worn for hair?
Saturn - you used to be cool once. What happened to you man?
@GreenVanMan: @Mad_Science: I agree, I love it.
This is my second favorite thing on Deadspin, no joke.
@sir_pantsalot: All honeymoon videos make their way to the internet. It's a circle of life thing, like what salmon do.
The Polish cavalry was never deployed against German armor. They fought German infantry units and performed admirably. Stories to the contrary were German propaganda.
Viking blood runs in the veins of those Suzuki guys.
God this guy's stupid.
Any car that I would consider buying would be improved by a matte orange and black paintjob, just like this truck's. The devil may not drive this, but one of his associates does.