Dr. Spaceman, Esq.

Gas is too expensive; my normal driving mode is "granny."

No $12 beer for you dude.

Did Nibbles devour everyone?

Do you know you can get Rocket-pops with Pop-Rocks in the tip? My freezer is full of them. Popscicle sells them.

Woah, Mr. T didn't get throat cancer? Cuz that's what I heard - from cheap gold-plate poisoning.

Wa wa, waaaaaa.

Ooo, ooo, ooo, sexy dance!

Southwest's vacuum tube, coin guy wins.

This isn't good.

@calmasacucumber: Yeah well, you start the season with the incompetent ownership you have, not the ownership you'd want.



That was quick.

Hmmm, this is an inauspicious start.

That was unlike any philosophy lecture I ever had.

Nice trick play, asses.

Can't argue with the hypnotoad.

Screw it, Boondocks DVD or Benders Big Score?

@Matt P: What is that commercial selling? Ketamine?