I saw someone back up onto the curb and into a lightpole the other day. It was a Daewoo, so I didn't bother to help.
I saw someone back up onto the curb and into a lightpole the other day. It was a Daewoo, so I didn't bother to help.
@Beluga: retarded
Mini's are holding their value way better than that in SoCal.
I'd like to add that unless the 944 has a glass tranny or something hiding in the drivetrain, ultimate performance would be pretty similar.
I own one of these cars (well, not these two cars) and my sister owns the NA version of the other. The VG30dett is a great motor, with a very stout bottom end. But whoever packaged the Z engine bay deserves an enternity of trying to find random bolts dropped and swallowed by that tangle of hoses, wires, fuel lines and…
I don't know, sounds a little too Matrix-y for me.
Typical journalistic Phoenix bias.
Sherpas are People!!!!!!
Oil starvation issues arise.
Uh, who cares about unit sales; is Chrysler making money?
@thunder: Just ditch the passive voice and write "the company revealed."
I think I picked all these games wrong. I suck at picks.
Old Jalopnik post with better instructions and a much cooler car:
I'd like to point out that the Girl Scouts are a lot cooler than the Boy Scouts when it comes to the gay and not-christian things.
Wait, when was Knight Rider any good? Even as a eight year old it was something to kill time until Misfits of Science aired.
So that's what it's like to drive behind Rush Limbaugh!
Ballet for rednecks
Who was it that said the Steelers could have beat the Pats last night? I laugh at them.
Wait, why is Ricky Williams playing? What year is this?
@TheGuinnessTooth: Well played, sir.