Dr. Spaceman, Esq.

@pitchpitch: Isn't 667 the neighbor across the street?

@stealofthedraft: And the Buffalo Wing flavor is my personal heroin.

Now I know why I wore panties today. Hardtop Vipers make my panties soaking wet.

Shelby (not the GT500) shocks, spring, intake and exhaust, but not as stupidly expensive. Okay, not bad.

@Fitty7lax: You sure the supercharged V6 is lighter?

Cool crest though.

Nothing says "going racing" like 20" wheels when Hoosier, Goodyear and Kumho don't make a 20' DOT R-compound or slick.

I get the impression that Pitsburgh would have a lot more yardage if they didn't have to stop at the end of the endzone.

I'm in class, are the Ravens as bad as the impression Gamecast creates?

@LTDScott: @badco: Of course, adding a LeMons-requisite cage would fix the bend-in-the-middle problem.

What tickets? I've been in lots of car accidents and never were any police involved.

Don't kid yourself; anybody reading a gossip site like Deadspin is at least a quarter gay.

Look, it's simple:

"Zero City, One Highway."

@jrlombard: For the price, the ZO6 is incredible.

With the amount of standing around and lack of hitting, are you sure this wasn't a game of fourth grade kill the carrier?

I am full of Johnny Walker and that tequila that they advertise on deadspin. I recomend ti.

This AWD Civic wagon would make a good LeMons car.

Mmmmmmmm........you can taste the pretension.

"They have a team" > Douchebag Nation