Dr. Spaceman, Esq.

500,000 displaced, but San Diego is stepping up and taking care of people. 1250 homes destroyed. The good thing about the the 2003 fires is that local rescue and firefighters have spent the last four years planning and practicing for another big fire like this, so aid is working. School and work have been canceled for

@ruggels: Yeah, but nobody expects a VW to turn well... :)

@RoninianHoon: Lol. Anyway, what the hell Honda, why do we get one Type R, like, every twenty years?

Enzo powered DAF-amino. Duh.

Oh yeah, the Landcruiser - Japan builds a Jeep.

The IS300 - Japan builds an e36.


@TomAnderson: That was better than what I came up with. -polite golf clap-

Wow, all these westcoast games suck.


Either one of those would make a good shootin' car.

Nice juggle.

Is the company also prototyping an R2D2 navigator?

So, the Rockie's versus nine Mini-Ditkas, managed by the 1995-1996 Bulls?

@jonnylieberman: I assume some level of risk at a racetrack, as a competitor or spectator. I accept a certain amount of risk on the road; that does not include guys trying to remake Cannonball Run 2.

@bobdobbs: Unless BMW equips it with 17x6 wheels or something.

Hmmmm, Masshole Nation vs. Native American Nickname Team.

This car has a dent in it! And another dent here, and another dent here...

OMG! 3333 lbs! The 1989 CRX wieghs 1900 lbs! My Hosoi Mini Hammerhead weighs 8 lbs! My Team Losi JRXT is nearly 11 lbs! Call your broker, short BMW!

Actually, it's pronounced Shaf-ier - a fine French beer.