
Sorry about your pants.

Correct take.

This is such a Brad comment. 

Take a deep breath Brad.

Seems like i’m in the minority...

Skip Barber Racing School

the hazard is caused by driving in a lane meant for passing.

Just to clarify, it doesn’t matter if you’re doing 56 mph, or 87 mph. Don’t cruise in the passing lane.

For all the bullshit spewing from their mouths, that was an absolutely artful boulder drop onto a tiny target. Kudos to the bobcat operator.

Dear Porsche,

True facts, Jason. True facts.

As a former young driver who made a thousand dumbass decisions in car, I agree.

I’m sure the seats are.

Counterpoint: That sounds like hardly any work for a great joke.

“Hey honey, gotta work on the car today. This should only take me an hour or so, and I’ve got everything I need already.”

You get ALL the credit for practicing incredible restraint in your reply to eolith. Mad respect.

Show me one of these pictures, please? And keep in mind, we’re not talking about the location of reverse here. You may want to look at that picture again.

To sum up what this guy said ⬆ “Aliens can’t be real because I love Jesus”.