
I can’t even buy a $600 freezer without the bank freaking out and blowing up my phone.

Yes, it’s pretty egregious that Uber doesn’t have exception processing in place for this. This should have immediately gone to a human for review, but how can you disrupt the industry if you’re going have a bunch of humans just sitting around on the payroll?

This is one of the myriad reasons I carry a backup credit card. 

Also, do not use your debit card for international travel. With a credit card, you can just dispute the charge and they will fight the company. (plus for most people if they tried to do a 30000$ charge, it would be declined, even with travel notifications.)

The charge should have never went through in the first place, especially since it should have been suspicious that ANY Uber ride would be 30K$...In fact spending 30K in one sitting should have been a red flag before it even reached the account unless the couple normally spends that amount.

this is the bullshit we put up with. the bank and uber are both pointing fingers at each other instead of just fixing the fucking problem. who cares whos fault it was, change the currency. my moms two health insurance companies are both fighting over who is the primary and responsible for the larger share of her 270k

I think this would make the fan theory* that he’s playing Hugh Jackman and being forced to be Wolverine by Deadpool all that funnier.

Fourth wall breaking is Deadpool's thing. It's faithful to his source material. Don't like it, don't watch Deadpool.

If he’s going to be doing any action, there’s the practical consideration that having sleeves will allow the stunt person some protection on their arms.

How funny would it be for them to tease the Wolverine suit like this to generate hype only to never use it in the movie?

I was already sold on this movie but the costume is just... *chefs kiss*

Now give me the mask.

My fiance and I liked Dial of Destiny a lot more than we expected, and I even purposely spoiled the ‘twist’ before going in and still enjoyed it.

I feel like you intentionally missed the point of the article to fit in with what you want to see. The point is that Elemental has much longer legs than expected and is sticking around when most analysts thought it would drop off completely. Has it been a huge success? No but only two animated movies have this year:

 But I was told if you ‘went woke’ you’d ‘go broke’... you mean that wasn’t true?

“Limiting how many posts you can see in a day” for a site that sells advertising is so incredibly ridiculous that this has to be just covering for “we’re in the middle of migrating some infrastructure and need there to not be so much twitter for a bit” or something like that.

The fact that this all went down on the first day of the month reenforces the “Musk isn’t paying his bills” theory. Had this all happened in the middle of the month, or if Elon had given everyone a heads up a couple days beforehand, like it was a planned outage, I might give him some credit.

I think that the problems that Elon and his sycophants were having with twitter - fear of liberal thought control and “canceling” of the right wing, were not actually the problems twitter was having- revenue and long term user growth- and that “solving” the former was in fact disastrous for the latter. 

Is there any truth to this? Because it feels like it’s true!

I still maintain my original belief, that he bought the app to wrestle control over a large platform of people online, is responding to fawning bigots and autocrats by turning it into a safe space for him, is trying to leverage it for power by doing things like “trying” to launch Ron DeSantis’ campaign, and is doing

Things like this are why DeSantis’s poll numbers are cratering. It’s become obvious that he has no principles and his governing approach is simply catering to whatever culture-war meme is getting the most current traction. To get a piece of legislation like this out of the current FL legislature with bipartisan