
No, that’s still bad. I can drive to my office on surface streets and completely avoid highways, even if it adds to my commute time by 5-10 minutes. This, then, would be completely unfair to those who can not avoid highways in their daily driving. There's lots of places where avoiding highways, just... isn't possible. 

I hereby announce my candidacy for Congress, on the platform that my signature legislation will be the “Ban Stupid Puns In Bill Names Act” (BSPIBNA), which will prevent Congresspeople from naming their proposed laws in ways where the acronym or initialism forms a word. 

I calculated this for myself once, and there’s already an EV registration tax in NJ to the tune of $250/year. I was paying more than that in gas tax before going EV, and even with the extra EV fee I still save a boatload over gas. It’s high if you drive very few EV miles, low if you drive a lot. I’m happy to pay my

The gas tax hasn’t been raised since the early 90s. Hybrids getting 40-50mpg pay substantially less than traditional gas cars. I hear no one ever ask those to pay more.

At 18.4 cents per gallon, it would take nearly 5500 gallons of fuel to equal the $1000 tax on EVs. An average fill up of 15 gallons would be 366 fill ups. Every other week would be 14(!!!!) years of gas.

I mean, the “road tax” isn’t exactly wrong. If everyone went electric like some people want then how are we going to pay for road maintenance? You could be taxed by the mile, but that’s going to be harder to track for people that might have older vehicles without just straight up slapping GPS trackers on every car,

Honda Fit

The dude has used Twitter MANY times over to dog whistle 14/88.

Yup. Right here in this picture we’ve got a grandson of nazis and son of apartheidists, who has openly endorsed the AFD (German neo-nazis), courted the alt-right and hate groups, gifted Twitter to them as an open platform, and is talking about “securing the future of human civilization” right as he’s doing the

I’m just going to leave this here. He has clearly he told us who he really is, all in one photo. He also did this solute several times!

The demand is coming from any business or individual that doesn’t want to hire a ‘creative’ for things like thumbnails and ads. They just don’t talk about it for fear of being brigaded by said ‘creatives’ who think they’re entitled to that money, their protestations about the sanctity of human art notwithstanding. The

Don’t forget executives salivating at the thought of firing 99% of their meatbag employees for AI ones!

The demand is coming from venture capitalists trying pump something new up to make bucks.

As always, fuck dealerships.

Nobody recognized another person from a photo on somebody else’s desk, there were other things going on that caused this.

What a cluster… so basically one of the other employees recognized his wife from a picture on his desk, and decided to distribute her adult content at work and with colleagues? Seems to me like that would have been the obvious person to terminate, not Mr. Kirby.

The subordinate took screenshots and showed them to co-workers and managers, the decision said.”

I’m going to say that the “standards of professional conduct” were violated by the other employees. As always, fuck dealerships.

Nah this is cool. The new Prius demonstrated that you can have low-drag, efficient design in a 4-door hatchback while still making it look good. I see this as Honda’s move into the same territory.

While I don’t think the feature is worth the cost of admission, there IS value here, as long as you are a competent “driving instructor” as you very well put it.