
 Outside of Saudi Arabia, rich Saudis do things that would make Caligula blush. 

I don’t think a slight whiff of hypocrisy is a problem for them if it means even more money.

And I don’t get the appeal of stuff like F1. Seems boring.

No, but they like money and oil so that helps.

Pretty decent write up. Emphasis needs to be added that the charter agreement that 13 of the 15 teams signed not only include language waiving their right to sue for anti-trust, but also the fact that NASCAR would also own the likeness rights to the teams for the durations of the charters.

I still don’t understand the interest in Nascar, it seems boring. I do enjoy racing and keep an eye on drag week and love the events Cleetus has been putting on and when down for the Freedom 500 and it was an absolute blast. The wide variety of drivers made it a blast to watch, they even had Tony Stewart in the

In my profession , any hole over 6" deep needs flagging, over 18" needs a taped perimeter, and over 36" needs a fixed barricade. Excavations over 4' have stepping requirements to prevent/mitigate cave-ins.

Well, thanks for spreading your colds and flus to the rest of your co-workers. I find this idea about “I never take sick days” to be utterly ridiculous.

You’re upset at an employee using all the sick time that he’s allowed? A whopping 14 days out of the ~250 working days in a year?  

If you only want them to take 5 or 8 days a year, then only give them that amount. It is absolutely your right to set the amount of sick/vacation days employees get, but see how many employees want to come work for you. If they are allowed 14 days off a year and don’t take all of them, then are you paying them

If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?

Thierig also noted that temporary workers in the same conditions only had a 2% sickness rate, suggesting that permanent workers were taking advantage of the German labor protections.

I assume this would increase the price of golf carts for his resorts by at least 3%? The moment he finds out, he’ll drop the whole thing. “I never said tariffs! Biden said tariffs! No, it was Kablama, Kablama said tariffs! I miss Biden, don’t you miss Biden? No games! Gina!

“Here I am, we’re leading, we’re leading in the polls, we’re leading by a lot. We’re leading by a lot. They said, ‘Oh, we don’t have to worry about him.’ Oh no, they have to worry about me. Boy they don’t like me. You know they used to like Obama. They used to like, they like Biden, you know why? They got away with

Billions of people around the globe will soon be buying products proudly stamped ‘Made in the USA.’”

He’s one stupid mother fucker.  

It’s just so exhausting to have to explain this over and over, isn’t it? The entire g-d point of having something like AM radio around is that cell phones won’t fucking work during a true disaster/emergency, yet people keep shouting “yOu CaN juSt dO iT On YOuR PHoNe!!! It’s as ridiculous as someone arguing that it’s

It’s typical for cell phones to become useless in many emergency situations, especially with events like natural disasters. AM has much greater coverage and dependability when it comes to critical information and updates. Not being the mainstream way during regular day to day activity doesn’t mean it’s not a vital

AM bands typically are longer wavelengths, which don’t fit into tiny cell phone antennas. To make it more compact a large chunk of ferrite can help, but it doesn’t do it all. The radio reception for tiny receivers use the headphone as the antenna, but that’s not necessarily the right length to be properly tuned.

It wouldn't be possible to fit it into a cell phone because of the necessary antenna.