
Your article is randomly missing the name of the product in several places, including and especially where you specifically point out that it has an odd name.

I loved my Zune. Still wish it had launched earlier enough to make a proper dent. Nicer interface and WAY nicer desktop and subscription ecosystem at the time.

I saw it before Multiverse of Madness and felt absolutely nothing. I guess maybe if I had some incredible affinity for the original, I might have gotten something out of that approach. But as I don’t, I was left wondering what I was expected to feel from so little.

I’m so very, very happy that they’ve mostly dropped the all-at-once model. That model ensured those of us who couldn’t binge them all at once, which is most of us, couldn’t keep ahead of spoilers and couldn’t keep on track with other fans of the property to talk about it as it released. 

Man, and people accuse ME of being too tolerant...

Seriously, I was hoping someone would start this thread so I didn’t have to. In one of the photos I could *almost* make out the color of the car. The photography was atrocious. I’d LOVE a nice green on a car, but I have no clue from this article if it’s this. I have to take it at his word that the car was green.

Which is likely where those 30mAh went. 

Is the quote’s spelling of Guy Bennett-Pearce wrong and you didn’t add a [sic] or is your regular misspelling wrong?

Wait, we were? I don’t remember that. I remember a massive supply chain issue due to gigantic assholes hording things. And I remember being generally grateful that truckers were continuing to do their jobs. But I don’t remember thinking how heroic these truckers were for holding up major cities and streets and

I have a Fiesta. I’d happily get something else in its size as my next car if it existed. Especially if I could get a better class version of it. Instead I’ll be forced to go larger, regardless of my interests.

This. I own a Fiesta. I can park it almost anywhere. I can turn tightly almost anywhere. It’s simple and small and nimble and manageable and I’d LOVE to be able to buy something upmarket of it that was similarly-sized. But instead I can’t even buy another one of it now that I’m looking at my next vehicle, much less a

I also remember this from childhood, rented from The Wherehouse, and also finding it deeply sad. I’ve considered watching it again as an adult, but your comment and the general article suggest I might be better off keeping it in my memories.

This was absolutely my game at the time. I loved the feel so much, the style, and that intro movie I could watch over and over again. Few games ever reached me as strongly. I did try so hard to locate that JogCon controller for it, but never could track it down at the time.

Right, but that’s my point. These people keep complaining that new Star Trek shows keep bringing politics into it, ignoring the fact that the original Trek did too, it’s just that the old political issues are now, thanks to the strides made by previous generations, practically settled fact. The new shows do the exact

Hahahahahahahaha. You’re like those people who complain that Star Trek is too political. You never understood a single Pixar movie you watched, did you?

No acting required. It’s not a good idea.

Gotta love poorly-planned naming conventions, where Max is somehow not even close to maximum.

Four Thunderbolt 4 ports unless I’m missing something. The front ones are USB, not Thunderbolt.

Honestly, this team is brilliant at adapting existing work. Everything they adapted from the author went over very well, for the most part. It’s any time they created their own ideas whole cloth that the quality dipped dramatically, especially when they ran out of book to adapt and had to write everything.

I’m in LA. I live in a terrible neighborhood because living anywhere remotely nicer and closer is impossible at my pay. And I’m paid decently.