
Iron Fist was awful. Every other show was great. But Mike Colter’s pretty busy with Evil these days.

There was a time I thought a Tesla was inevitable as my first/main electric vehicle, especially due to their charging network. Now I’d be hard-pressed to consider one.

My boss just bought a used Model Y and had to jump through hoops to find the precise time range that had the functions he wanted before they were removed. It’s as crazy as you’re saying.

Every rumor I’ve seen has said quite differently, that most of the roles, including Luke Cage and Iron Fist, are being recast.

This is correct. I don’t think Young Mark Hamill is in his current vocal range.

They’ll do anything to avoid having to make GTA VI.

Which was the point I was making.

Yes. I was referring to initial cost. It’s not cheaper to throw away a laser printer just for more toner like it often has been for ink.

Ink, definitely. Laser is a touch more expensive.

That’s all I ever wanted. Bring him back properly in Beyond. 

100% this. I was honestly really happy she kept calling him out on how genuinely creepy his behavior was. It seemed really refreshing. And then, no, turned out she just needed to come around to finding out he was a good guy?

It’s definitely PR, but it’s one of those nice situations where PR also results in the right thing being done. This comes up in politics a lot where people complain about X politician only helping people to look good. The implied alternative is the more honest route is to... not help them? I’d rather a politician do

They’d rather continue to parrot this than confront any of the actual complaints people had about it. And it doesn’t help that a lot of misogynists also hated the film for completely different and vile reasons that we get lumped in with. I try to stay out of the arguments entirely these days because everyone seems to

Glad someone responded to this. There was a great Reddit post recently that included a screenshot from, I think, a Final Fantasy game that brought this into stark contrast. The pixel art on a modern screen looked exactly that: pixels. You could tell what it was approximating, but it was blocky and ugly. Meanwhile the

No, I definitely meant Trek, but Wars is just as valid. The recent Trek movies all decided to just retell TOS, Enterprise returned to 100 years before TOS, Discovery (at least initially) returned to 10 years before TOS and recycled several of its characters, Picard is about, well, Picard and several other TNG

For being the universe’s most terrifying being, we have to be regularly audibly reminded of this fact due to how poorly they actually demonstrate this. They claim to be perfect, and they should be relatively close to it, but their aim alone demonstrates quite the opposite, and it’s generally an obnoxious writing flaw.

Overall this episode was a MASSIVE step up from the previous episodes, even despite the “creepy obsessive guy just deserves a chance” trope. It had dramatically better tension and stakes than we’ve seen in a while, some emotional factors, some fascinating reveals and psychology (I loved the storage manager figuring

And I both like Google Assistant AND trust it more than Amazon and I still agree with you that it’s kind of absurd to make such a statement as though it’s objective and without really backing it up.

If the goal was to setup The Matrix: The New Class, I’d agree with you. If the goal was purely, as it kind of feels, to simply tell what Lana wanted to revisit, I get why they didn’t. Also, if they wanted to stealth setup new films without making it obvious, your suggestion would definitely fail that and lead to a lot

Some folks may wonder why anyone would own an Alexa product in the first place.