Not exactly, no. They were still more expensive new. But I agree it was a bad deal. At that moment I was in a rush for a solution. As I said, I later switched to doing the repair myself.
Not exactly, no. They were still more expensive new. But I agree it was a bad deal. At that moment I was in a rush for a solution. As I said, I later switched to doing the repair myself.
Warranty was actually 90 days on the Joy-Cons purchased separately from the console. I pushed, but got nowhere. Gave up.
I have no idea what you’re on about. These aren’t general expectations I have, and they weren’t demands. In each case Nintendo offered, on their own, the most charitable solution as they felt the problem was likely to be caused by their own failures. My point is they’ve set a standard in the past of being a company…
As a child I auditioned for a Lambchop special. I auditioned for Shari’s daughter who was incredibly kind and liked me enough to arrange a callback. Without my knowledge, the callback was more or less a singing competition. I was (and still am) a terrible singer. We explained this honestly, and Shari Lewis went on to…
Nintendo, I love you, truly, but that response is not acceptable. I did exactly that. And then I called your support number. And I was told my Joy-Con was out of warranty and I paid you $40 to repair it. You were nice enough to waive the $10 shipping charge, at least. And then I was without a Joy-Con for a week. And…
I’ve been regularly assured by New Yorkers when I talk about how adorable rats are and what great pets they are that if I saw the monstrous rats of New York I wouldn’t feel that way. I’m taking them at their word, but can’t verify this myself.
Thought: Johnson clearly won't ever be an Oscar-winner, nor does he need to make insanely more money than he does. Perhaps he continues to work with this guy because he enjoys doing so. Plain and simple. No, his career doesn't end up heavily advanced, but maybe at this stage that isn't his goal. Maybe he just wants to…
It's adorable that she thinks these are New York-size rats. I'm from LA and even I know New Yorkers would laugh and call these mice. These are pet-sized rats from the photos. Not saying that's okay, but they're not massive. Pretty average.
I’ve reached that point with my son. He’s 11, I’m 37, and he’s into games now that I have no interest in. And I spent some time mildly bothered by this, his differing sense of taste, the fact that we don’t connect over those games, and then I had to just stop and accept that he’s in his own generation with his own…
Oh, I had a BLAST reading it, dontcha know...
Is “Got Damn” a common alternate version I’m unfamiliar with?
I was full-on Nintendo at the time, so never really connected with the Genesis. I wonder if I’d get anything out of this experience now, or if it mostly relies on nostalgia to love.
I have to admit that this fills me with a sense of relief. Like I have some small chance of catching up within this game. I’ve missed a bunch of games in between, and found each more overwhelming than the last, and it’s kept me from progressing in them. Limiting the scope a little might help.
So how is it compared to PSU? I remember being so excited by that and then so disappointed with the reality. Is it more proper PSO? Because that’s still my favorite online game of all time. Heck, offline too, where I honestly spent most of my time.
At this point the only thing holding me back from saving up for one of these is the Snapdragon 835 processor, which seems crazy to have shipped with, and suggests we can’t be much more than a year off from one that ships with a processor that’s closer to current when it’s released. At least an 855, if not whatever’s…
No, we want to actually have control of the devices we own and not have them decide what’s best for us when for some of us there is literally NO harm.
But they’re not warnings. A warning implies you can continue despite it. These are full-on blockades.
I’ve played it at the annual Arcade Expo at the Museum of Pinball in Banning, CA. It’s a spectacle, but it’s painfully slow and boring. Also, one of their flippers isn’t quite strong enough, so you can’t really get to the top well.
Saw a headline yesterday (luckily after I’d seen the film) that replaced a character name with [SPOILER] in it. Great! That wasn’t so hard, was—oh, you made the hero image the photo of the very character you redacted from the headline. Great job.
Counterpoint: No. I should have the right to be surprised without having to take extensive measures to block myself off from the world. For Endgame I had to disable the Google Feed on my home screen and avoid ALL social media for nearly a week. And I still got a notification with a spoiler in it. That’s an absurd…