Couldn't have said it better.
Couldn't have said it better.
Thinking my brand-new Covetor I spent 2 weeks on to mine together would easily slip through a deserted 0.4 system concluded with the most heart-wrenching 20 seconds I've ever had to experience in virtual life.
Honestly I enjoy every way weapons in-game are used for creating music or such. First time I've seen it in my life was years back in the Ballad of Black Mesa:
Bloody hell... It shouldn't be too hard to understand that EVE-Online does not focus solely on aesthetics. Yes, the Inferno expansion increased the quality of missile effect considerably and the Retribution expansion made most of the Angel Cartel ships look even more pretty. Though when it comes to simple things such…
Whoa whoa, the Touhou project was a one-(wo)man project?
You should read one of the three novels made for EVE online. It's really fun to read about drama in the game's universe. Without a doubt the most complicated and expansive game in the industry.
This is the EVE soundtrack as it currently is;…
It better not go sing Daisy in a gradually lower-pitching Douglas Rain voice... *shiver*
See for yourself. Here's the rest:…
Gotta love NASA's 70's space colony artworks.