So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of…
It would have been so easy for her production team to give him some money for the clip and avoid this altogether.
In old timey days the had another phrase for “wellness.” It was “snake oil” and resulted in the same phenomenon as Gwynnie’s “wellness”: money disappearing from your wallet for useless and sometimes dangerous crap. Although snake oil usually had alcohol in it so that was better.
In all honesty Taylor Swift’s entire career feels like an ode to the era of Payola. I mean her shit is tired & lame & I know no one, I mean no one, that listens to her shit. Again Swift is the embodiment of white mediocrity rising to the top. She sucks & quite frankly you’d have thought Kim Kardashian clowning her ass…
Lemme go ahead and google play bodak yellow about 15 more times
If you think this makes the left lane illegal to be in you should stay right... problem solved.
Not good enough. Driving to Houston last weekend we spent more than an hour trapped behind a truck in the left lane driving exactly the same speed as a truck in the right lane. Both never dropping below the speed limit.
That’s literally the dumbest question i’ve seen here
Terrorist. Lets call him a terrorist because that’s what he is.
Ha! This warms my cold, black heart. Today was a good day, with this and the Chaffetz news.
One of my husband’s mentors was a dynamic, accomplished woman who was president of the securities company he was working for about ten years ago. Married for 32 years, two teenaged children, served on numerous boards and was just generally a deeply involved, connected and vibrant person. She ended her life one night…
I admire Pence for coming up with this common sense solution to a very real problem.
It’s a show that I watch in exactly one situation: when I’m bored at night in a hotel and am trying to recall if it is actually as bad as I think. It never disappoints.
Oh! No. It’s because I don’t particularly like the women I work with. :( They’re all very dumb and bad.
Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.