
What's wrong with you people? No, seriously, I really wonder why you people religiously fight for a multinational company that doesn't really care about you.

Well, for starters, the headline would be "No, The Xbox One Doesn't Have A 'Wobbling' Problem."

Nah, Blizzard has money.

Seriously people? How is this anything other than 100% standard practice? Some units leaked early, there's a big firmware update that enables a lot of features on day one, Xbox Live isn't being brought online to the public until launch day.

Vanilla WoW was the BEST Wow.

Wanna know what is the main difference between Nazi and Mao/Stalin? Mao and Stalin won the war, where Nazi lose.

Haha the captions on some of the fake propaganda posters as seen in photos on his microblog are too funny.

Lol. Your "I have no idea what I'm talking about" is still showing. Ask any optometrist. The human eye can, and does see beyond 60 "fps". It's been researched, and it's found that our average eyes are closer to 120-130 "fps", even more for some people.

I would say Sackboy from Little Big Planet.

Toro might be the official mascott in Japan, but I would say that in the West it should be Sackboy. I still wonder why it isn't.

The vast majority of US debt is held by federal program trust funds and US citizens. China invests in the US because it's a good investment.

I've never heard of Girls Generation, but I'm not a fan of any pop idol singers, so I doubt it's something I'd care about.

But jesus all the racism kinda pisses me off.

beating the likes of Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, One Direction, and Lady Gaga

Right, because I'm stupid and I don't know how to prevent that.


The only difference I see is $100.

"She can rock the loose socks look and it looks natural for her."


Yup, nobody that has ever pirated anything is going to be dumb enough to download this.

If I were a Foxconn executive, I would grow a mustache just so I could twirl it villainously.

Thank you Sony for looking after my imaginary children.