Nobody credibly lauds Blizzard for its innovation or originality. It's their characteristic polish that has made them great, and this is no exception.
Nobody credibly lauds Blizzard for its innovation or originality. It's their characteristic polish that has made them great, and this is no exception.
Dude...this is a family site.
Yeah, an all Cantonese dub would have been cool. It's funny - because the game's audio was recorded in Montreal, most of the actors speaking Chinese have a Canadian accent. Caused a few laughs from actual Hongkongers I know who have played the game.
The soundtrack was one area that did work for me but the English was all so perfect and everybody was so... Hollywood.
Yeah, they did that to appeal to the international audience. To be fair, a lot of people in Hong Kong speak English, and the English level here is the highest you'll find in the greater China region. But the game was like 90% English and 10% Canto, when in reality life in HK is probably the exact opposite.
Those deaths were minimal compared the numbers that died from famine and related conditions.
I never said Chiang's incompetence was the cause. But I think foreign intervention would not have made things better. Mao won the civil war because Chiang was not a good and respected leader. It's important to distinguish Mao's leadership abilities before and after 1949.
Not really, he said China is cancer on the world. Apparently, Mao is still very much alive till this day. That aside, China does not equal to the Chinese government, I don't see how the Chinese people (or even the government) are evil enough to be cancerous in the present.
You are cancer of the Internet.
You should also learn some more Chinese history. During the struggle against the Japanese, the Communists proved to be much more capable of running a country. Chiang Kai Shek was as corrupt as he was incompetent and that's why Mao was able to eventually defeat him.
Yeah, you are an idiot. A normal person would have asked: "Whats Titan?"
You know what's actually funny? That you made up this conversation and don't actually have friends.
Don't quite get how people are mad about this. All we have are second hand accounts of what people thought and no actual gameplay. It may have been a cool idea or looked a bit like TF2 but it may have just been shite and boring.
I wish they would have renamed it that way just because I think people would be more accepting of it. Most Final Fantasy games are there to push the limits of their respective technologies (VI, VII, & VIII for ex). This game does exactly that but since people are used to the way old FF games are played, they wont…
if you're serious about your statement on reading. that's really sad.
If that's your comment, then it's not for you. Plain and simple.
What about you, how did you react to the news that Microsoft bought Mojang? Let us know in the comments.