
I fail to see the problem here. Guys want tits and hot babes, this has been known since the origins of man. Video games are designed to sell fantasies. That's what video games are. Gaming is nothing more than a medium that allows you live out your fantasies. War is perhaps the biggest male stereotypical fantasy.

I for one dont really give a fuck what other people thinks about me.

you have a point but at the same time..why have female characters in a game like that if there will be dressed in so much gear as the male characters that you wont fucking notice its a woman to begin with?

[anecdotal evidence disclaimer]

It's funny because you posted this on a gaming blog.

Star Wars is soft sci-fi, though, while this was hard sci-fi.

I'm waiting for the day that Holo-Novels start pissing people off.

How can they compare real life to video games where in fact, real life has the most realistic graphics ever? Other than that, stories for some titles are really terrible...

only thing that can save the legacy of kain series at this point is sony buying the ip and letting amy hennig with naughty dog make a new legacy of kain game

if that beep wakes people up they need to learn how to sleep cause there doing it wrong.

The PlayStation 4 beeps 1 time when it is powered on.

Says the guy that's never been to Beijing.

Why? Do you see guantanamo bay, waterboarding, or internet eavesdrop ing in every video about america?

Damn that "ban on entertainment".

May be it's got something to do with creating an army of educated skilled workers. China will become some sort master race in the future and it's getting there already. Though I don't agree with banning entertainment.. The draconian rule of China is paying off. What's happening in China now is what we saw happen in

Gabe didn't like the way windows was going... awesome announce.

As much as I hate Apple and as much as I can't stand their firm stance on not allowing any useful information to be displayed on the home screen (no widgets, the only piece of info allowed to be shown without opening the app or notification center being a single number) I have to admit iOS7 looks very sleek and

Yeah I can't stand family guy either.

While I agree with you that the unique nature of videogames as an interactive medium is worth looking into... Can you really blame gamers for being frustrated when it's obvious that the news don't give a flying fuck about the truth and just want to use our beloved hobby as an easy scapegoat and click bait?

Research has been done and the conclusions have been that there is no real negative effect.