I was going to ask the same question.
I was going to ask the same question.
In the coming years, prepare to have absolutely no expectation of privacy, even in your own home. It the New World Order, give it a hug, it's your new best friend.
The parking area will be on the other side of the ridge (to the East [top of pic], pictured here), with pedestrian tunnels cutting through.
Wow, what a coincidence. I just finished watching this movie a few minutes ago. I was thinking to myself how amazingly fluid this scene was with a single, long take. If you want to see the final shot, it's the last scene of the movie.
Then why do you keep reading things that you know you will dislike? Simple solution, if you see his name as the author, move along to the next article. I personally enjoy reading most of his articles.
The Tovolo silicone ice cube trays work great. I've had 3 of the normal sized ones and 2 of the Kings for a while, and never had a problem getting the cubes out of the tray.
Have you tried taking a regimen of Probiotics for a few months? It practically eliminated all my "gluten processing" issues. I take probiotics daily, and can now eat pizza, pasta, and sandwiches for the first time in 15 years without getting violently sick and swelling up like an Oompa-Loompa.
Had the same problem about 3 weeks agoon a Windows 7 system. Normally I do incremental backups once a week, but the last six months, my backups failed (Windows and Comodo). My SSD drive crashed three weeks ago. Thankfully, it wasn't a complete loss. As long as I let it sit for an hour without power, I would get…
Awesome. What Detroit needs is more crap to attract rats.
If you are new to brewing, or even an old timer, head on over to HomeBrewTalk.com if you want to chat with other brewers. It's a great community, and very helpful.
I'd be more worried about what various 3 letter (or no name) US agencies would do with this data if/when it suited them.
"Now, at long last, it seems we've found a legitimate excuse for playing with our lasers."
It's all good. I live by and make decisions by actual facts, and you made an argument that I couldn't refute, even after a day of thinking about it. Initially, my emotions got the better of me, which I usually try not to do, but in this case, I let loose without forethought. Thanks for clearly putting it all into…
I believe this is the Bridge to Russky Island (Мост на остров Русский). Here's a site with some cool info on the construction.
Even though you sound like a VZW representative, you have very valid and well thought out points. I concede to your logic. Well done good sir.
Towels made from natural bamboo fibers (as opposed to synthetic) are the best at keeping the nasties from growing. Apparently, it has natural antibacterial properties. I switched over to bamboo fiber towels a few years ago, and along with adding a little bleach and washing in hot water, the towels never get that musty…
I've found that a lot of people stink more because their towels that they use to dry off with aren't clean enough. Over time, if they aren't cleaned well enough, your towels breed bacteria, mold, and other nasties that get transferred to your pits (and other areas) when drying off. Add a little chlorine bleach to…
I take my thermobak Omega with me to concerts when I go with friends. 3L of a strongly mixed beverage makes the entertainment that much better. =)