
I remember (just recently) when "low budget" meant making a move under 100k.

Not counting John Williams' songs, this is my favorite Star Wars related song EVER. MC Chris rocks!

Take the fluoride out of the water supply, and let the population decide by brushing their teeth with it if they want. Why force it on the rest of us that don't want this < href="…">POISON</a> in our damned water supply. Ingesting fluoride had been proven to be much more hazardous

Here's my top two issues with these actions...

I bet skinning them would be a bitch. The meat would be a bit tough too. O.o

As long as no manned aircraft flies by in the background.

Between the ads and the lack of Youtube channel, this is pretty much worthless. FAIL!

All you have to do to is find those corrupt politicians that have their hands in the cookie jar, cut of said hands, then redistribute the money to those programs in need. I'm sure they would find much more than $85 Billion.

I have a life, BunnyFooFoo, how about you?

Your question is obscure, please clarify?

I like viewing things like this at church. I swipe it from my tablet to the big always makes for an interesting discussion.

Dude, I've worked in offices with policies such as yours before, and that shit would get someone fired if a manager walked by and saw that picture on the monitor. Apparently, my sarcasm (and attempted humor) wasn't clear enough for most Giz readers. My bad. =)

Congratulations, you're now the proud mother of baby "ROFLcopter". $5000 won't cover psychiatry costs later on.

Wow, there's more American prudes than ever before. I didn't even see any nudity in that picture, so what is the problem? OMG, I SEE SKIN! Time to flush my eyes out with acid and go to confession. lol.

I'll be in my bunk...reading this magazine.....and such...

I prefer this map...

It was a quick and dirty 3-minute cut/paste/tweak job. I'm sure if I spent more time on it, I could have made it realistic (matching light sources, tint, grain, focus, perspective, etc.). But thanks for the input. =)

I've found that Contractor's Choice 42-gallon bags work the best for certain undesired deleterious situations.

My kids got grades like that, and then I beat them until they were Asian. -\/-

They should build it with large chunks of stone instead.....and LOTS of slave labor to construct it. Show those darned Egyptians how you REALLY do it!