
I typically listen to about 20 hours of [] AAC-HE 40kbps streams which is approximately 350MB per month. I figure the rest of the usage is from youtube and other apps. I think I'll tether my phone to my laptop (using 3rd party apps like FoxFi) and start truly taking advantage of my unlimited plan while I have

Well, I'm one of the customers that is grandfathered in with unlimited data. I'm also one of the customers that use between 500Mb-3Gb per month. I think from now until I am forced to change plans, I'll start being a data hog. I've been a valued customer for 15+ years. Verizon can go FUCK themselves for treating

I'd like to know how much renewable energy Greenpeace uses in their day-to-day operations. I'm sure they help the planet by not using water for showers and such. ;-P

If your going to write about sexual toys, write about the 'stimulation' gadgets for men next time to balance it out. I'm pretty sure that list will be short...#1 Fleshlight #2....nothing. Damnit, nobody cares about our feelings. I just want to cuddle. ;P

I was thinking the same thing. Apparently, some families have different dynamics than what I'm used to. I love my mother, but I don't LOVE my mother! O.o

Remember, Oconomowoc spelled backwards is Cowomonoco. And you know what that means? Do you, because I have no freakin' clue.

Get your mind out of the gutter......or at least let mine swim by.

I'm sorry, but I don't want some strange little monkey paw delving into my mouth when I'm trying to eat.

I'm wondering if this works when wet. I prefer to have Firesteel as a backup in my gear. It'll never let you down, even when you're soaked.

It could have been better if I would have spent a little more time to match the lighting on her face. Oh well, it's not like I'm getting paid for it. As you said, I should sell it back to the original author and get a cut.

Yep, I created this one. When Robert stated, "Something tells us Gina Torres would look mighty fine in a cloak and shoulder pads à la Sir Ian McKellen.", I took it as a challenge. Of course I also did it because I'm a hardcore Browncoat. =)

Robert, hoping for something like this?

My redneck friends used to "dispose" of them by reenacting scenes from Star Wars.

Keep in mind to turn off this functionality while you fap at your computer, lest you send it into a clicking frenzy.

I fully agree. You're not alone.

Now playing

Kinect Star Wars is probably the worst offender.... see video (but there's plenty more just as horrifying).

You were lucky. My dad made me stand there with one hand on the antenna, foil wrapped around me like I was a Christmas present, and one leg pointed in a random direction that shifted, depending on where everyone in the living room was sitting. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. =)

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't film that.

I didn't have a camera, but you could see something if you blink really slowly. I saw an alien staring at me, but then again I always see aliens staring at me (runs to the corner and curls up in a little ball, after putting on a foil hat!)

No wonder we've never found the fortress of solitude.