
Perhaps "We The People" was a little over the top. Unfortunately, it should now read "We the Corporate slaves" to reflect modern times. =(

At least someone acknowledged my sarcasm. Thanks!

So they spray the ones sitting on the ground with pepper spray, not the ones corralling them? Yeah, that's logical. The officers had plenty of opportunities to move to the outside perimeter of the protesters, yet they chose to stay right in the center of the gathering. The only ones that were physically threatening

Wow, you couldn't have possibly missed all the sarcasm oozing from my comment!

Well, they can always sell it to the local authorities and deploy it against all those evil, smelly, horrid Occupy Wall Street protesters. It probably works better than pepper spraying those bastards while they sit peacefully on the ground chanting "Kumbaya" and "We, the People".

#PassengerIn1stClass (Calling room service): What the hell is this, I didn't want my whiskey on the rocks? Take it back, PLEASE!

I just come here for the beer and pretzels. =)

There are some pretty funny posts on the authors site. It's definitely worth a look.

I've eaten a variety of insects in the past for survival. I didn't like the taste of any of them. Even though I know that's how we will eventually feed the already grossly outnumbered world population in the future, the thought of eating bugs is not palatable to me. As you said, culturally, I was brought up to

They taste like a mix between succulent giant water beetles and OMG, I JUST VOMITED ALL OVER MY KEYBOARD!!!

Wasn't in the nose. O.o

Freakin' awesome. Thanks Brent/Sam, I'm now in jail for punching a midget, and frenching a police K-9 unit's dog. Also, somehow during the night, I got my *ock stuck in a beehive. That's the last time I'm drinking any of your concoctions again. I trusted you to do right by me! Jeez, can't trust anyone nowadays!

Good point.

One word: Photoshopped. Also, as Dnilo pointed out, what's with the blurred left side of the image?

It's worse than that, she's dead Jim.....I mean Dark lord.

Too bad she passed away already.

Correct. These aren't the phones you're looking for. Move along, move along. =)

Ask Wolfram, "Shall we play a game?"

Wow, time to put on some hip waders 'cause this shit is get'n deep! lol.

commander_k is correct. To quote a fictional character, "IT'S A TRAP!". No matter the response, you're screwed, and not in the good way either.