+1 Kuro. You beat me to it.
I'm going to have to ask you to put down the sock, lotion, and bag of Cheetos, then slowly step away from the remote, sir!
It was really difficult to have more control over your own career when they randomly "re-orged" you every 2 months for no good reason.
Well, it got worse while I was there, and I'm sure it continued down into the swirling abyss after I left, as this article indicates.
I envy you. You worked there at the best timeframe. Must've been amazing to watch the growth of the company during that time. I was at bldgs 16, 27N/27S, and Redwest C,D,E during my "stay" there.
Disdain? Was it that obvious? There were (and still are) brilliant people there, but rarely are they encouraged to think creatively anymore. Unlike my early days there, where we were repeatedly told to "Think outside the box, and have fun with 'it'". Ah, the good ol' days.
And also people who ARE clever AND read the news in general, not just those tinfoil hat wearing, automatic gun toting, rebel flag waving, alien anal probing, I voted for Bush weirdos.
I worked for M$ from 1996 to 2004. The first few years was awesome. It was like being on a college campus. Working hard (and being payed very well), and always being challenged to learn new things. The last couple years it just turned into another corporation where you were just another number, and the benefits…
Exactly. I'm still waiting for transparent aluminum to come to market.
Yes it can, I think it has 4 onscreen screensize options
Not really. My head hurts when thinking about it. I'd rather funnel a 64oz Icee. It's less painful.
LMFAO! Awesome comment. =)
I was just asking. I have been waiting a while for a videolan app to come out for my droid, even though the Moboplayer seems to work great (for just playing vids). I have nothing against Apple products.
Glad I could help. =)
Oops, double post. :(
MoboPlayer also has swipe controls.
I'll have to check out upnplay. I would love to be able to stream vids from my server without having to copy them. =)
Isn't that only for the iOS?