
And if that doesn't work, try Moboplayer. It's "Soft-Decoding" option has been able to play every video file type I've thrown at it.

Is that like the "Abercrombie Drive", where you have to have a small penis and an insanely fast & expensive car?

Probably not, but you would still see the flashing high beams of the guy coming the other way. O.o

Well, if you accelerate to warp 9.9 through the corona of a star.....

It depend on if they were African or European.

Since the HOA wanted to be complete dicks about it, I would find the ugliest used car with the worst paint job, and park it in the driveway where everyone can see it as a big F**K YOU to the HOA nazis.

Morse Code? Nah, it's smoke signals. Morse Code is too futuristic and scary for them.

Party on! =)

All 3 of them that are on Rumspringa are really pissed, until they went back to drinking.

I'll buy THAT for a dollar. Two even!

Apparently, you've never wandered around MS campus during "off hours".

I usually don't know what I'm talking about, but that won't stop me from composing and disseminating my opinions. Isn't that what comment sections are for? If folks don't like or don't agree with what I have to say, they can ignore it. =)

Actually, I did the research, and submitted all 50 separate reports to the House of Representatives for review. They agreed that they weren't getting a big enough cut (under the table), so now I have to rework the numbers. O.o

Most of my comments are rife with sarcasm. A lot of people have a hard time determining whether I'm being serious or facetious. I need to work on that. =)

If the state government(s) weren't corrupt and inefficient with their spending, I wouldn't have a problem paying internet sales tax.

Excellent point!

Intentional, of course. =)

I'll follow my nose. Be there in a spliff.

I know David, I was just being a smart-ass. =)

It's amazing the things they think could be used as weapons. Honestly, I would hate to have their jobs, since they are the ones that have to make sense of the conflicting rules and regulations that change on a daily basis.