
"smoking a joint is worth two pounds of carbon dioxide emissions"

Don't they know, people only get hit with frying pans in Warner Brothers Cartoons. Duh.

I swear that was me when I left Microsoft. O.o

This would make a funny story explaining your alarm clock to the TSA folks.

Well, if my penis were ever run over by a dastardly gang of Shriners, it may very well look like that. But since I tend to vehemently guard my dangly bits from just such incursions, I just don't see the resemblance.

Greyhound sucks. I've only had the "pleasure" of riding on 3 Greyhound buses, and all 3 were trips from hell. (Crying babies, stinky passengers, extreme heat, punks playing music too loud, etc.)

1) There aren't any Greyhound bus drivers that look like that. She looks to be a high school student (Kofa, Yuma, or Cibola?)

I watched the entire video, it was a bit long, but well worth watching. It was very enlightening. What I'm taking away from it is that I need to eliminate my fructose intake (glucose is much better for you), eat a lot more fiber, and stop drinking alcohol. Easier said than done, but I will make a serious effort to

It may be sad for some, but I stayed in the dorms until I was 22. It was a co-ed dorm, and there were more 18-21 hotties there than anywhere else. Gawd, I miss those days.

Four Stars for that comment. Awesome.

Um, hi Matt. So, how's your weekend going? Good, I hope. =)

Cool. Thanks!

WHERE! Oh wait, that's just Jesus.


Will Power, The Angry coming to theaters August 14, 2011.

I normally post on Gizmodo, but this thread made me do this. All Hail Jalopnik.

Perhaps they've cleaned up the city since I was last there in 1990. Apparently it was "throw your garbage on the street day" during my visits to Chicago. The rest of the time, it apparently resembles something out of a Disney movie, according to you.

I never said I was from Urbana, I said I lived there briefly. You are correct, Urbana was a nasty place too.

Perhaps he found out how to make it from the U.S. Army's FM 5-250 (Explosives & Demolitions), or the horribly inaccurate "Anarchist Cookbook".

I prefer cooler places with more clouds and rain. Idaho just doesn't do it for me. I get miserable when it gets over 80. I had a g/f that went to WWU a few years ago, so I'm a bit familiar with the area. Gorgeous place, nice views.