I concur.
I concur.
Hey now, I'm a member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals), and I approve this message.
F I R E S A L E!
All they have to do is change the terms of use to be able to use the pic. Pretty sad actually.
I just turned it off. Thanks Kat for the heads-up.
That link is purely for brute force cracking. I'm strictly speaking of dictionary attacks.
Ow! I can't hear a damned thing.
A standard dictionary attack would crack "correcthorsebatterystaple" in a matter of minutes with a modern computer. Even if you use upper/lower cased mixed with number substitutions. Those options are included in a lot of white/black hat "security" packages (or some custom made ones).
I think my ex would have to disagree. My heart couldn't take it. O.o
In slow-mo, I think I'd prefer watching a woman with b-cups jumping rope. Apparently, more than that is painful to watch, IMHO.
You have to bend over to do that? Mine hits me on the forehead when I'm not looking. It's sneaky that way.
I can print out a large transparency, and I have a huge Fresnel lens. All I need is a volunteer to be the recipient of this "Sun Tattoo". I'll even dial 9-1, just in case.
You beat me to it again. Damn you PS! =)
Given enough THC, I'd just sit around smoking a ream of (hemp) paper all day.
Mmmm, bald eagle. It taste like a mix of California condor and gray wolf.
If it drops that much in a short period of time, don't expect it to come back up anytime soon (if ever).
Yes, you can purchase small amounts of stocks, but what's the point? The average internet trade transaction will cost $8 to $15 (without broker/IVR), so when dealing with small number of stocks per trade, you will typically be losing money.
Actually, I had to Google them, since I don't walk with a swish or talk with a lisp.
I may have to try one of those Big Agnes Diamond tents. Read the reviews, and they appear to be roomy, reliable, and dry. I never had a 'freestanding' tent. Always used stakes and guy wires to secure them.