
It was my girlfriend, her 4 year old son, and myself in that "six-person" Coleman tent. It was a tight squeeze, even with all of our gear stowed in the truck. If we were backpacking, I would expect to be a bit crowded, but we were just out for the weekend at a campsite.

How about the "waterproof" tents that are hardly waterproof? I had an old army surplus canvas tent once that we set up in a dry riverbed. We woke up in the middle of the night, and not only was it raining, there was a foot of water flowing around the tent. Not a drop got inside. Try that with the current lines of

If that tent sleeps three people comfortably, then they are either midgets, contortionists, and/or a very friendly threesome.

Pink? Really? My ex's 5 year old might like it, but I doubt she'd dust with it. More like integrate it into her princess costume.

I think I'll just thaw frozen foods in the toilet. Hey, that water's just sitting there, might as well put it to good use. Damn, I forgot the bag. Meh, that shit will cook off, right?

Exactly. All you need is to modernize the color scheme of the old ones, and you have a perfect duster for the modern age.

This just in: A Somali pirate dressed as Jack Sparrow boarded a yacht passing through the gulf of Aden today. Thankfully, all 'Jack' did was steal their booze, get (more) drunk, and vomit on the family's pet poodle before passing out. The captain of the yacht then rolled him off the deck into shark infested waters,

Born and raised (mostly) in SW US. I hate the heat. I now live in the Pacific NorthWest. Nice and cool, and no more 100+ degree days. I prefer cool, rainy days to getting baked in the sun.

Due to its small size, it ONLY takes 36 hours* of direct sunlight to charge up to 50%.

I think the biggest step that made the Internet what it is today was in May 1995, when the National Science Foundation (NSFNET) decommissioned its backbone service, which made their Acceptable Use Policy null and void. This essentially opened up commercialization of the Internet. AOL, CompuServe, and Prodigy were

My phone came with a keyring fire extinguisher. Now I know why. I really shouldn't have bought in to the hype. "The Nokia Phoenix, the hottest phone money can buy. It's Smokin'!"

Steve Buscemi playing 'Crazy Eyes' in Mr. Deeds [2002] with Adam Sandler. Funny movie. =)

Wait in line, buddy. I was first!

Real men such as astronauts do it all the time. If astronauts can do it, then hell, I won't be a damned astronaut. F**k, I thought they drank Tang for Christs sake. Apparently, NASA is still training in Texas.

I concur. Brown, chunky pee isn't a sign of good health.

Everyone has some sort of issues going on, but I agree, treat others with some respect so we can all get through this easier.

Actually, in order to see a rainbow, the sun has to be around 41 degrees from the viewers perspective, which this picture clearly shows. I'm not sure which picture you're looking at, but I don't see the sun behind the clouds in this one.

Well, this one is a somewhat vertically short Cumulonimbus cell that looks to be slowly dissipating. A lot of cells (compared to fronts) look similar to this one.

I learned to speak English, Russian, German, French, Italian, and ASL when I was young. English is my primary though. Haven't used the others except ASL in over 17 years. From what I remember, Russian was the most difficult due to their Cryllic alphabet being so different from ours.

I guess that probably works a lot better than: