See also: “Oy vey Maria”
See also: “Oy vey Maria”
I can’t believe I watched the whole thing.
I found this wikipedia entry while lost on the internet one day. You might already be familiar with the Grand Mosque seizure in 1979, but I had no idea anything like it had ever happened. While the Saudis are spending a lot of money spreading Wahhabism, they are just as much subject to internal pressures.
So, a Three Cornettos rock opera?
Strum furiously to spark the life-giving flame! Miss too many notes and everyone you care about will freeze to death!
Manage your party’s morale with the power of rock!
I sometimes like to think that I’m “above gossip.” Then read about Drake and Rihanna which, 1. means I’m already deep in the goss-o-sphere and 2. say aloud to myself “man, I hope those two make it. They seem nice.”
True, but now I *do* know, so thank you!
He has some impressive plans for mass transit.
“Honey! Go ask Haylie if she breastfeeds! I’m too embarrassed.”
If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
I wonder if he gets robbed a lot or if he just developed a coping mechanism to cover his tendency to lose his wallet a lot.
With extreme prejudice.
I should have visited The Toast more often. I was always pleased when someone shared a post on Facebook.
Not even a smile, smirk or snort for “My emotionally-estranged babadook of a life partner”?
As hung up as people in the Antebellum period were on race, they could be in certain circumstances be reasonably flexible about it. Those circumstances being “mixed race person managed to make a lot of money.”
1. Too close to The Division
2. It makes it sound like it’s a spin-off of a Cop Show.
Maybe Prague is full of Grandmas?
What hath Man wrought?