But it’s not HD!
But it’s not HD!
Presumably, he was trying to say that he and the shooter were nothing alike because the shooter killed Jews, but Steve King loves Jews! Nevermind that the shooter was inspired to kill because he thought his victims were helping bring immigrants into this country as some elaborate “white genocide” plot.
(This has been…
Thanks! I’ve been meaning to watch French Connection for, oh, 15 years or so. Should really get around to that.
Well that was excellent. Is the rest of the movie worth watching?
I don’t know if PragerU is trying to brainwash people so much as earnestly try to convince them of things that they themselves believe. I mean, I don’t agree with them most of the time, but they’re usually pretty reasonable. Except for that video about how modern art is bad and people should feel bad for buying it.…
Perfect “Oh my God, no!” at the 26 second mark.
There’s definitely a Judge Dredd / Predator crossover, and it was...pretty good?
To be fair, the game is set in the Cyberpunk RPG universe, which is nominally independent of Gibson’s works (however much they may be influenced by them)
Mike Pondsmith, the lead designer of the original pen-and-paper RPG, considers GTA to be quasi-cyberpunk. So the critique may be both accurate and not considered a…
It’s the fictional dystopian metropolis known as “Night City,” so...maybe? It is supposed to be just south of San Francisco, though, if that makes any difference.
Thanks for the information!
The footage is edited to mimic the tropes of anime openings. I guess it could have been titled “Anime-style intro,” but as-is it’s not bad.
“Hulk like...raging fire”
Having just re-watched the whole thing, can at least say I don’t think you’ll hate it. I should say that it’s not really about refuting your statement “humor is extinct.” Instead, it’s mostly about Brooks’ approach to satirizing Nazis specifically (with some digressions into Blazing Saddles).
But I would prefer a Thief movie to a Robin Hood movie...
WAIT. Was Sean Connery’s appearance in the Costner version a reference to his role in Robin and Marian? This...doesn’t actually change anything, but it’s pretty neat.
Oh good! An excuse to post a 40-minute long video essay!
If they can work out something with Disney as part of the Spider-Man deal, they can get the reboot out in time for the 25th anniversary of the original.
His name *is* as killing word, after all.