I could not remember the name of that sketch for the longest time. You have put my mind to rest, good sir and/or ma’am.
I could not remember the name of that sketch for the longest time. You have put my mind to rest, good sir and/or ma’am.
I did not expect that to be a 45 minute video.
As a non-player myself, what I gather is that there is a fair amount story and lore that informs the character and level designs, but it doesn’t really influence the game in any meaningful way (characters who are enemies in the story can be on the same team, etc). This is very much by design, as it gives players…
I imagine an NFL executive crying “but they said there’d be magic! I want MAGIC! *sob*”.
Or be killed by a cavalry charge.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think she wanted it. With her own show, she has a lot more creative control, and the weekly (I assume, I only ever watch youtube clips) schedule allows her to do more long-form stuff. Besides, even if Daily Show isn’t as good any more, I like living in a world with Last Week Tonight, TDS,…
I will now imagine that every time he entered a nightclub he spread his arms wide and bellowed this line.
We can also easily visualize how he would turn women down.
“I know you were trying to get with that world class athlete, but you’ve never been with a real man ‘til you’ve been with a publicist.”
“Honey, today at work a lady said she wanted to be my cum slut!”
“Were you pretending to be one of your clients?”
“Pick up some milk on your way home, dear.”
As an Atheist, wouldn’t it be easy to pick and choose the few parts of the Bible that are worthwhile? You don’t have to be “all or nothing” about it. “Love your neighbor as yourself” is pretty solid, I think.
Hello! Good job with the discussions. You may already know this (but other people reading may not), but there’s a very specific reason that Lot has daughters and not sons. After the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, his daughters get him drunk and have sex with him. Their sons then found the Moabites and the…
You know, I must have heard this song dozens of times, but I’ve clearly never actually listened to it because that verse at the two-minute mark completely caught me by surprise.
Finally! A chance to share a 30-year-old song I just found out about today (and thus paradoxically think that it’s fresh and unknown). Enjoy, Kotakuites!
Great news! MUA2's story is the definitive version of Civil War. By which I mean it made a certain amount of sense.
I know I’m supposed to say “No, let’s get some fresh IP and not rely on old favorites”
...but no, I’d be totally cool with that.
Civ 5 is still pretty heavily stylized, though.
Sometimes that’s just what you gotta do. Thousands of years ago (Civ III), there was a “colony” mechanic...have workers build a road out beyond your borders to a resource, then have your worker turn into a “colony” which was a tile improvement that gave you access to that resource until it was destroyed or it was…
They seem to be hinting at specialized cities, or at least the possibility of having a “breadbasket” city and a “production” city. Do you have one city grow most of the food to free up tiles in other cities? What if it gets attacked? Barracks and fields, far as the eye can see?
I’m doing a terrible job not getting…
You just need to figure out how to set up a trade network in such a way to send enough food and production to your capital that you can fill as many tiles as possible with wonders.
Civ games are pretty friendly. If you were able to figure out Civ 4 well enough to enjoy it, you’ll probably be able to pick up Civ 6. And hey, the developers put in different modes for a reason. If you enjoy cheating yourself to max everything, go for it.
Speaking for myself, I was able to figure out Civ III when I…