
Would there be any negative side effects to extinct-ifying (surely there's a better word for that) mosquitoes? They just seem to be flying assholes with yellow fever.

I have two questions:

Do mosquitoes really prefer some people over others? Is it their scent or blood types that cause preference?

Are there certain blood types preferred by mosquitoes? or do they target people based on diet? I rarely/never get bit and my dad will get CHEWED UP!

I wonder what speed that bullet is traveling when it hits the target, and if the fact that it has traveled over half a mile effects its lethality? I also wonder just how the fuck he could see the target from a half a mile away. That's just all kinds of impressive.

I was curious about the focus question too. Seems like it would have to be very sharp to avoid getting too noisy of a signal.

Yes, but as mentioned in the article, they were able to obtain >60 Hz frequencies by taking advantage of the fact that the pixels are scanned horizontally by the camera sensor. Film doesn't work that way - there's a single aperture, all the light comes through at the same time, so you're limited by your frame rate. I

It doesn't seem like this technique would work on film (each frame gets processed all at once) but anything recorded using a VHS or maybe Beta seems like it would be fair game for this kind of analysis.

The implications to various religions would be Earth shattering.

The whole "house about to be torn down" and the aesthetic of the alien also give me a strong Batteries Not Included* vibe (even though that one involves adults, not kids).

Imagine being magically whisked away to: Delaware!

I agree. I think it's a case of people being oversensitive. Is it a serious issue? Absolutely. But it isn't better to take advantage of the situation to have a teaching moment and educate people about the illegality of the ivory trade (as the appraisers do)? I'd think that would be more beneficial than effectively

The appraisers, as far as I've watched (and that means a lot of episodes) always mention that to sell ivory it must have been purchased (acquired) before a certain date, otherwise it is illegal. I don't think that makes dead elephants worth more than alive.

I don't think that's fair (or at all compassionate), she was on her way to see the caseworker when she was abducted. She was making a conscious effort. One can have more than one or two or three "parents". It's not like she dropped him off on the steps of a firehouse forever and then was abducted years later.

I would argue that his "real mother" is the one who's been taking care of him for the last 11 years and not th one who didn't have custody before she was kidnapped.

Glad I'm not the only having a problem with the title.

If it were 3D, the missile would fire, the action would freeze, the camera would whirl around the missile pointlessly, and the motion would then continue.

Now playing

What about Haile, the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology's collaboration with the School of Engineering? The thing listens, detects the beat, and is able to improvise within a song while playing with humans.

The guy in grey grew up telling all his friends that someday, he would find his dream girl, and she would be a huge Phillies fan.

Some guys have all the luck.