Reminds me of the Degas painting “Absinthe”, of the miserable couple
Reminds me of the Degas painting “Absinthe”, of the miserable couple
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts…
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”
Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.
Mmm, yes and no. Over the long haul, you’ll be faster at the surface swimming freestyle. There is more friction at the surface, but you are able to more efficiently use your arms. But off of the starting block or the wall, where you get to kick off, it’s unquestionably better to get in a really streamlined position to…
Emergency rooms deal with medical emergencies. Hospitals deal with inpatient health care needs.
Both of these are 1-in-10,000 risks.
Oh Beth.
Why anyone would buy a car with antilock brakes is beyond me. Antilock brakes are for when you hit the brakes so hard that the wheels lock up and skid. Normal driving does not require hitting the brakes that hard. Of course something can jump out in front of you and you may have to hit the brakes that hard, but that’s…
My first had the same complication as your first. Went from a completely normal pregnancy, long but regular labor, to medical professionals dashing around to prep me for surgery. My son had to be resucitated, even with immediate (I was open in minutes) intervention. The risk may be a low percentage, but if it happens,…
If my wife and I had birthed our children anywhere other than a hospital, neither of them would be alive. I’m all for having a midwife or informed advocate present to speak and help you make the right decisions for you (for instance we may not have induced so early in the labor), but with my first son, his umbilical…
It’s not us! It’s our dumb thrice-divorced aunt in Florida! She takes everything at face value and is highly susceptible to slogans and catchphrases!
If you have no control between a thought entering your head and performing that action, you have some serious issues. Because no, that's not how humans operate. I was seized with a strong desire to jump in when I saw the Niagara Falls for the first time but I didn't fucking do it because I have fucking impulse…
I don't think that's fair (or at all compassionate), she was on her way to see the caseworker when she was abducted. She was making a conscious effort. One can have more than one or two or three "parents". It's not like she dropped him off on the steps of a firehouse forever and then was abducted years later.
I would argue that his "real mother" is the one who's been taking care of him for the last 11 years and not th one who didn't have custody before she was kidnapped.
The guy in grey grew up telling all his friends that someday, he would find his dream girl, and she would be a huge Phillies fan.
Some guys have all the luck.