In For Honor, it’s hard to tell you’re fighting a lady until one of you is dead. Helmets and armor are so thick and…
In For Honor, it’s hard to tell you’re fighting a lady until one of you is dead. Helmets and armor are so thick and…
I could see where the connection is coming from but, I don’t think they were really going for a discussion of book burning. It sounds to me like it’s not about the opposition between knowledge and willful or state sanctioned ignorance, but between different ways of relating to knowledge or valuing it. So it doesn’t…
Quote is a game about eradicating knowledge. Specifically the knowledge locked away inside books. Why bother…
The only thing similar about the Attack on Titan characters is that they wear the same jacket. Is that really so confusing? I thought it actually has one of the most diverse looking casts, because the caucasians have different hair and eye colors and face shapes, there is a clearly Japanese girl, and then you have…
Pictured: Kooko22
For sure! My comment wasn’t meant as a complaint at all haha, thoroughly enjoying myself. This will also help tide me over until the Switch comes out :)
The Sapporo Snow Festival is now underway in Japan’s northern most prefecture Hokkaido. One of this year’s main…
Hi David. This video was taken at the beginning of the playtests. The more they played, the more they got organised. Splitting the class into teams of about 6 and limiting the number of balls to only one each forced them to develop better strategies and collaboration.
The Interactive Gym, the latest project from the Canadian tech company SAGA, takes the traditional idea of gym class…
“Scared for our jobs” was the constant, ubiquitous norm at GameStop. I will not only vouch for it, but will go so far as to say most of these apologists are either company plants or young employees who don’t get around much. Kids in high school or college students looking for extra spending money don’t feel the same…
Are you enjoying Resident Evil 7? Are you thrilling at the scares, reveling in the fear, shivering at the spooks? If…
Yup. Sometimes the real world is just too goddamned depressing to look in the eye, and for a short time, you need to look away (and maybe have a chulckle or two).
Just don’t get mired in the escapism; there’s some really dire shit going on that will need all of us to stand together in facing it. There’s nothing wrong…
Enter The Gungeon, the roguelike action game that lets you play as a bullet who shoots bullets at bullets, just…
2 gets the shit end of the stick far too often, it is mechanically the most complex and involved game in the franchise and is an ARPG fan’s wet dream for a game that makes practically any build not just viable but fun. Yes, from a boss, lore, and environment design standpoint it’s the weakest entry in the series…
Dead Cells is Castlevania meets permadeath. You explore an interconnected castle that sprawls and shifts like those stairs in Harry Potter, except evil. Death, however, replaces backtracking, and each death will unlock more of the world. Combat is Souls-inspired. It’s on Steam Greenlight right now.