The water would turn brown.
The water would turn brown.
Next time be friends with other superpowers instead of trying to compete for the global influence.
Glonass receiver is in every single iPhone and flagship device out there.
Dem Nazis, all escaped in a safe heaven.
Seventh-day Adventist Church.
When I was 12, the church taught me a similar version where evolution did not conflict with creationism.
Your wife's name is Haesoo Jeon?
Because this is an info-war against Russia for geopolitical reasons camouflaged as a fight for equality to create russophobic sentiments among ordinary americans.
What are the downsides of Artstation?
When you lose your virginity.
An overweight computer focused softy detected. Weight training promotes discipline that translates into better overall personal success, including education.
Inb4 human trafficking is refocused on this instead of sex slavery.
So none of the other characters, the series was meant to show the gruesome reality of life, where people shoot, blow bombs, do drugs. Kudos to artist for expressing his vision freely without the fear of backlash.
Because it goes against cliche. In modern culture you'd expect to rarely see a middle eastern character featured as an extremist, because it would not be politically correct, and here he just goes with it, direct and raw.
The Aladdin one is actually brilliant , real satire starts where PC ends.
It seemed that vents on rear of the suit, put in place to allow heat to escape, actually allow air to enter—in turn creating drag.
No, a New World Order will.
So you hate people, I get it, but what's the point of Earth, if there are no humans? Who's eyes are going to admire the beauty, who will devote paintings and poems to it? Animals don't have that level of intelligence, aliens, low probability, answer me.