
Migrating to One Plus One then.

The friends who worship a portrait of Bandera? The West has promised them golden mountains and the living standards of western europe, in exchange for fighting and burning cops alive, except the West doesn't care about them, it wants to destabilize the region, it's your job to explain this to your friends, before they

These are the steps to change that, once you build new beautiful things, it develops the taste to those around them, so they can build tasteful things, it takes time, maybe decades, but first steps like these are what makes it happen.

What??? A peaceful country occupied by not neo-nazi but the actual descendants of the Nazi party supporters in Kiev, terrorizing its russian speaking minority and sending troops against its own citizens. If Russia didn't have enough compassion to shield the people, where would be mass graves by now in the Crimea and

While being a bar superstar, I in fact did bought a six-pack from a local brewery recently. What exact problem do you have with my statement? You enjoy watching the world in ruins?

A war engineered and funded by the banker elite still poisoning the planet, while they got the best of it and only getting richer onward.

Shouldn't have killed all the whitey, eh?

Is this the infamous elusive Perpetuum Mobile that cannot be?

How come they didn't teach this elsewhere, this is the first time I learn about this and to me it's important.

Gamers who are just starting to catch up with current standard are being suckered into a new one that will take them light years back, keep them sad and willing to pay their way into happiness.

It's not a beefy PC, it's underpowered for 4k and can barely run Bioshock as it is, hense they need to use weaker game for review.

Blatant sensationalism.

How much is your rent? Just curious.

Then it must be changed to a civil court before we are headed to dystopia.

Thanks, done.

Isn't the lake too small and cold to provide living conditions for and animal this size?

Not this garbage again, there's very little free speech left in the Western world, it technically exists on paper, but for every opinion that exists outside the current mainstream ideology, there's a line up of aggressive individuals who were conditioned to attack anyone different on sight. You don't have to be

Absolutely love it, we have reached the point in civilization, where we can break down super complex things in a 4 minutes video.

People who engineer social trends and invest money in it, not exactly a conspiracy.