
You seem to be a bit xenophobic to a different culture and language, in Russia the word Negro (Negr) is more of a dictionary word for a person of an african descent and is not considered derogatory, Russia doesn't have a baggage of slavery so the words don't carry the same meaning.

So calling a woman 'Genetically challenged' is A-OK! gottcha!

What about it, booming babies are awesome, more people, better economy, prosperity.

You could if you weren't a foreveralone living on the internet who doesn't actually know any females let alone the ones with big hands.

That father is a tool who has been sold a content by a corporation.

The design of trucks, the wheels and environment remind me of Curiosity on Mars.

Would have been a better experience if the guy was actually German.

Genius comedy in that comment :)

How is this not banned yet?

I cringed reading this. You are a beta male from inside and out.

There are so many basically the same To Do List apps, that is now turning into a competition who can misspell the name more creatively.

So you are openly attracted to other man in front of your husband? Do you consider your husband a cuckold?

Now that is getting into a category of creepy worshiping, sounds almost pathetic.

It's English language, it's either correct or it is not. Having double negative in a sentence is just bad grammar, there's no magic explanation to it that suddenly makes it ok.

People speak the truth for once, this is something you would have to deal with.

Oppressed? None of those groups are oppressed, especially if they own the majority of America.

You don't make sense in this statement, the disproportionate numbers of Jewish people working in media did not happen randomly, it's a direct result of so called "connections", where Jewish people hire Jewish people, especially if they own the company.

Sounds like you need a guidance on how to exercise. 6 months can produce noticeable results with the right routine and diet.

Homo detected.