
That grotesque creature that once was called a human should lay down the controller, not thank gaming.

Wait, are you playing Steam games on a built in Intel graphics? The screen resolution is probably close to 2006 standards too.

Traumatizing? Cold flu? Are we talking about a cat or a sentient being? You sound quite mentally ill.

I bet your home smells like urine.

All this and still running 4 years old Windows 7. Fail.

Are you a Miscer brah?

The pictures says "That's my nigga".

Modern games became politically correct dumbed down vehicles to drive ideologies down mainstream minds. Before people who are responsible for this were too dumb to realise gaming was a strong media, so we got to enjoy nice pure art somewhere until 2006-07.

I keep a trash can in a car for, you know, trash.

Agreed with others, the priorities are messed up in this article, eat dirt, scrub food banks yet pay child support and a stupid student loan first, yeah right. Been there, dropped absolutely everything but basic survival, and zero entertainment, you are sick in head if you are paying for TV, that thing makes you more

These articles and the comments are always depressing. How can you be bored when you literally transform your body into a CK underwear model and later reap huge benefits on a dating scene and life in general, when everybody you meet smiles at you and wants to be around you physically and mentally, I get a dopamine

720. This is called Next Gen??

That's the problem, you are stating that it's wrong as some form of universal truth, while the opposition has every right think differently.

Duh, there's a reason why these men were successful.

but you are guilty of being a sensitive little pleb who learned about the war through imagination of Hollywood directors. You are the reason our society is falling apart everyday.

If it worked like that, you would have been banned long time ago.

As a form of protest against the censoring of free speech I created an emblem that vaguely resembles the Nazi symbolism yet cannot be pinpointed. If you don't act and quietly accept every form of attempt to put you in collective mindset, you will lose your freedoms within your lifetime.

If you are cutting, nothing and cup of coffee (or pre-workout), you'll be wired enough just to get through, and use up all your energy deposits.

Nice one, owned this pleb.

These feet are surprisingly more sexual than they should be.