
Something that always makes me laugh is after Ashitaka shoots off the head of one of the attacking horsemen and the other one just kinda turns around and goes, "Nope, I'm good."


This is how I feel every Thanksgiving.

It's fucking bullshit that states can force abortion providers to give medically inaccurate information to women getting abortions about cancer or dictate scripts about a fetus feeling pain, but can't force these centers to tell women what medical treatment they provide (or don't) or that pregnant women should go see

Oh, that's a very good point. So many people misuse religion for personal gain, it's easy to confuse religion with politics.

TBH I don't even know if I blame the religion itself. It's the interpretation. From everything I've read Islam is actually relatively supportive of women, but long-held patriarchal power structures influence the interpretation. It's not unique to Islam, either.

I figured it was something like that, but it seems like he could have been referred to as "UAE businessman So-and-So."

ugghhhh. Troll.

she's not the hottest star in the galaxy these days

Wow, they are extremely attractive together.

This is the Pokemon I've always wanted. B/W attempts at some commentary via the dude trying to free all the Pokemans, but I'd like to see a more in-depth look at the atrocities and horrors of the Pokemon universe. Pokemon used in wars? Pokemon as food? Pokemon experimentation and product testing? All these things and


We do still criminally prosecute the poor and those outside the social hierarchy for crimes that, when it comes down to it, basically amount to nothing more than being poor and outside the social hierarchy. (The war on drugs; the mere fact of being homeless; debtors' prisons, etc.)

I feel like this could be interesting as a historical read, but I noticed the woman didn't mention anything about Pagans in the interview. She briefly mentioned Wicca, which came from Pagan, but is not nearly so old.

Once again, another fine example of dudes.

To be fair, all white people photo-shop black people into their lives: it is a well known phenomenon.

The exam arc was the highlight of the entire Naruto series for me, mainly because it's the only story to actually use the potential of the show's "school for ninjas" setting. The written exam in particular was great: it relied on a bunch of tricky mindgames and sneakiness. The whole "testing their ability to cheat"

Katniss is about as flawed as it gets. But among those flaws just happens to not be every single stereotype about women. Starbuck, who is the quintessential tough ass kicking chick, is also an extremely flawed character. Big difference between flaws and stereotypes. And there's also a big difference between