There are not enough stars in the world for this comment. All the stars to you my friend, all the stars there are.
There are not enough stars in the world for this comment. All the stars to you my friend, all the stars there are.
Exactly! It's pretty freakish the amount of energy people are expending hating on PF and (to some extent) the people that go there. The comments over on Gawker's main site are even worse. For crying out loud PF is something the average person can actually afford and the black card membership (a whopping $9 more)…
Wow that is kind of weird but if it works out financially for them, I say more power to them. They aren't hurting anyone and the pizza doesn't get wasted! I see that as a win-win. Also pizza plus getting a massage at the same time is an awesome idea :)
Yup, seems like just a lot of PF hate to me. The one near me is just like Laney describes. I don't even think they do the pizza thing. Basic machines and weights are just fine if you're not competing and just want to get in/stay in shape.
It could be the way you are approaching them that they say sorry and keep doing it. Like I said, actually trying to have a conversation about it so you can learn where they are coming from is an option.
Exactly! I wish I could star your comment a million times, thank you! :)
My tone was in response to yours. Read you initial comment out loud to yourself and you will probably see what I mean. And I'm sure some of the long time residents would love a new coffee shop or bar...but they would probably prefer it to be a business that respects the existing community, that those in the community…
You too can also wear headphones, or ear plugs. Also its possible that they actually work on weekends and that day that they are playing their music IS their weekend. Not everyone works 9-5 M-F sorry. Honestly I would just talk to them and see what their situation is, you may find out that something you are doing that…
did you consider the possibility that because of their schedule late in the evening is the only time they can relax and listen to their music? Maybe they work the late shift and just got home. And really, 'quiet hours'? Are they posted in your building? I haven't seen that since I was living in the dorms lol
Have you even bothered to ask these people in your neighborhood who are upset about new coffee shop WHY they are upset? Or do you just assume its because they like boarded up properties in their neighborhood? You might want to check yourself dude.
Dune reference for the win!!
Exactly. The same goes for Benlysta for Lupus which predominantly affects black women but doesn't work on them.
I was hoping someone would say this (well both of those things) because its extremely troubling on many levels this idea that white women should be given a pass for what they did during slavery because of the sexism that they if black women were not ALSO a victim of sexism on top of the racism. Ya…
Yay kittehs of awesome to the rescue. Thank you for those I really needed that. and I want that cat. Both of them.
THIS! And sadly it never seems to come up in these articles or half the discussions in comments on these articles :(
EXACTLY! And as you pointed out his girlfriend he felt the need to defend is freaking Wonder Woman?! Really? Wonder Woman can't hold her own against Dr. Light and therefore needs to be protected by Superman which comes in the form face melting...
LOL I can imagine dude. Good work on the Kotaku article regarding the sticker debacle. I would have engaged myself but the rage has made me impotent :(
Oy... at this point you are talking in circles and how exactly do you know that the people enjoying Azzarello's WW run outnumber the people who do not? Sales of the book have been dropping steadily, that IS a fact, one that you just write off to 'entropy'. From what I've seen on various forums and comment sections on…